The Stairway(Diyu)
1 概説 1.1 地獄の色 (1 Outline 1.1 An infernal color)
At the Buddhism of East Asia, an infernal color is expressed with "black" to a Taoism target or the Yin Yang philosophy target which was subject to the influence.
A red brat, a yellow beast, the blue favorable realms of bellicose spirits.
If these 3 colors are mixed, it will be said that it becomes infernal black.
Moreover, the red devil, yellow devil, and the blue devil who are ousted on the eve of the beginning of spring are coming from here.
Back ground image(the red devil, yellow devil, and the blue devil ) in The Stairway(Diyu).
The Stairway(Diyu) → 11 The Bed Room(Naraka (Buddhism))?
Diyu (Sanskrit: नरक "Naraka") is the realm of the dead or "hell" in Chinese mythology.
The Stairway(Paracas Textiles)
The Paracas textiles were found at a necropolis in Peru in the 1920s.
Detail of one shaman showing knife and head
These textiles were made by South American people before the rise of the Inca or the Aztecs.
PARACAS III PARTE: Textiles ancestrales del Perú
Back ground image(Detail of one shaman showing knife and head) in The Stairway(Paracas Textiles).
The Stairway(Paracas Textiles) → 2 Madotsuki's Room(Navajo people) and Madotsuki's Room Door.
A baluster — also called spindle or stair stick — is a moulded shaft, square or of lathe-turned form, one of various forms of spindle in woodwork, made of stone or wood and sometimes of metal,[1] standing on a unifying footing, and supporting the coping of a parapet or the handrail of a staircase. Multiplied in this way, they form a balustrade.[2] Individually, a baluster shaft may describe the turned form taken by a brass or silver candlestick, an upright furniture support, or the stem of a brass chandelier, etc.
It stands on the common foundation, and it is a pillar-shaped decorative structure which supports the cap piece (portion of the shape of a side held by hand) of handrails, such as stairs, or a railing, there is form, such as a square pillar, a pillar, and a rotating body, and a banister or a baluster (baluster) is a stone, wood, and [1] that is occasionally made of metal.
The pomegranate (Punica granatum) is a fruit-bearing deciduous shrub or small tree in the family Lythraceae that grows between 5 and 8 m (16 and 26 ft) tall.
"baluster" はOEDによると「石榴の花」を意味する balaustra に由来し、半分開きかけた蕾に形状が似ているためにそのように名付けられたという[2]。手すり子が複数並んだ欄干を英語では "balustrade" と呼ぶ[3]。
It is said that "baluster" was named such since according to OED it originated in balaustra which means "the flower of a pomegranate" and form resembled a half difference or a beam bud [2].
A banister calls "balustrade" the railing located in a line in English [3]. [ two or more ]
It is "balustrade" using a banister all to have called it the railing henceforth.
According to myth, Hārītī was originally a rākṣasī of Rajgir at the same time that Gautama Buddha also lived there. She had hundreds of children of her own, whom she loved and doted upon, but to feed them, she abducted and killed the children of others. The bereaved mothers of her victims pleaded to the Buddha to save them. So, the Buddha stole the youngest of her sons (in a variant version, the youngest daughter), and hid him under his rice bowl. After having desperately searched for her missing son throughout the universe, Hārītī finally appealed to the Buddha for help.
Azes coin in India, with Demeter/ Hariti with children and holding a cornucopia (Obv.)and Hermes (Rev.), 1st century BCE.
The Buddha pointed out that she was suffering because she lost one of hundreds of children, and asked if she could imagine the suffering of parents whose only child had been devoured. She replied contritely that their suffering must be many times greater than hers. She then vowed to protect all children, and in lieu of children's flesh, she would henceforth only eat pomegranates. Henceforth Hārītī became the protector of children and women in childbirth. In exchange, the Buddha gave her bodhi, which enabled her to withstand black magic and evil powers, and gave her the facility to cure the sick.[2][1]
※KyuuKyuu-kun(Pomegranate) is the figure that revealed the mother(Hārītī) of a Madotsuki
※One-eye and One-leg(Mars-san) and One-arm(KyuuKyuu-kun) are associated with One-eye, One-arm, One-leg door(Number World Door)
4 神話・伝承 (One-Hand in the legend, myth)
Rarely, such as God, which is deficient in the extremities too appeared sometimes age was According "to persons with disabilities mysterious power dwells" and in a rural location, but there is such as God of Sekigan. However, you may be told as a loss of some loss of arm strength. As an example of the power lost with the arm, there are Týr of Norse mythology. According to the tradition, but said there was a habit of his right hand toward the promise of Týr among the gods, a binding promise to protect the loss, along with his right arm is weakened by all means.
KyuuKyuu-kun(One-arm) and Number World Door is only One-arm.
テュールが最高神であった時代のゲルマン人諸族の王を意味する語は、ティワズの祭司を意味するティウダンス (thiudans) であった。 絵画などでは隻腕の戦士の姿で表され、これはフェンリルに片手を食いちぎられたことを示す。 またルーン文字のティールは軍神テュールの象徴で勝利を意味する。戦いの際にこのルーンを剣に刻み勝利を祈ったとされる。
軍神という点でローマ神話の軍神マールスと同一視され、ゲルマン語で火曜日を意味する語 (Tuesday など) の語源となった。
Týr (pron.: /ˈtɪər/;[1] Old Norse: Týr [tyːr]) is the god of Law, the althing, Justice, The Sky, and heroic glory in Norse mythology, portrayed as a one-handed man. Corresponding names in other Germanic languages are Gothic Teiws, Old English Tīw and Old High German Ziu and Cyo, all from Proto-Germanic *Tîwaz (*Tē₂waz). The Latinised name is Tius or Tio.[2]
Tiw was equated with Mars in the interpretatio germanica. Tuesday is in fact "Tīw's Day" (also in Alemannic Zischtig from zîes tag), translating dies Martis.
Mars-san(Tiw was equated with Mars ) and Number World Door is only One-eye and One-Leg.