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Yume 2kki:Switches/2001-3000

This page gives details about game switches as per version 0.119b patch 11.

0001 to 1000 1001 to 2000 2001 to 3000 3001 to 4000 4001 to 5040


Number Japanese Name Translation Description
2001 ★珍獣(185号)
2002 赤くなる
2003 変態さん吐血
2004 深海へ
2005 めがね子供
2006 - 2020 N/A N/A Unused switches
2021 ★19人目
2022 - 2040 N/A N/A Unused switches
2041 ★19人目
2042 - 2060 N/A N/A Unused switches
2061 ★19人目
2062 - 2070 N/A N/A Unused switches
2071 起きても継続スイッチ
2072 - 2080 N/A N/A Unused switches
2081 ★19人目
2082 - 2088 N/A N/A Unused switches
2089 海綿への道
2090 185便利スイッチ1
2091 185便利スイッチ2
2092 185便利スイッチ3
2093 185便利スイッチ4
2094 185便利スイッチ5
2095 185便利スイッチ6
2096 185便利スイッチ7
2097 185便利スイッチ8
2098 185便利スイッチ9
2099 185便利スイッチ10
2100 ★19人目ここまで
2101 ★20人目
2102 - 2120 N/A N/A Unused switches
2121 ★20人目oudn
2122 - 2140 N/A N/A Unused switches
2141 ★20人目oudn
2142 - 2160 N/A N/A Unused switches
2161 ★20人目oudn
2162 - 2180 N/A N/A Unused switches
2181 ★20人目oudn
2182 - 2199 N/A N/A Unused switches
2200 ★20人目ここまで


Number Japanese Name Translation Description
2201 ★21人目ここから
2202 U1
2203 R
2204 O
2205 T
2206 S
2207 U2
2208 K
2209 I
2210 エンター
2211 許すまじ
2212 スタート
2213 ロケットスタート
2214 帰ります
2215 いっちょあがり
2216 宙へ
2217 機動
2218 ビューン
2219 みっけ
2220 ★21人目 Bokun
2221 ★21人目 Bokun
2222 会員
2223 開き
2224 伏す「on」
2225 N/A N/A Unused switch
2226 ショートカット
2227 - 2239 N/A N/A Unused switches
2240 ★21人目 Bokun
2241 ★21人目 Bokun
2242 - 2259 N/A N/A Unused switches
2260 ★21人目 Bokun
2261 ★21人目 Bokun
2262 - 2279 N/A N/A Unused switches
2280 ★21人目 Bokun
2281 ★21人目 Bokun
2282 - 2299 N/A N/A Unused switches
2300 ★21人目ここまで
2301 ★22人目ここから
2302 <◎><◎>
2303 うるせえよ
2304 もやし1時
2305 もやし5時
2306 もやし7時
2307 もやし9時
2308 もやし11時
2309 着せ替え中
2310 ブティック子死亡
2311 箱子死亡
2312 目薬屋閉店
2313 目薬売り死亡
2314 裁縫領域侵入
2315 回転
2316 カーテンあけた
2317 レンタル中
2318 おにいちゃん!
2319 N/A N/A Unused switch
2320 ★22人目ぜんまい氏
2321 ★22人目ぜんまい氏
2322 ミニゲームめぬ
2323 ミニゲームさぶめぬ
2324 樹氷初取
2325 あられ初取
2326 霜柱初取
2327 雪花初取
2328 つらら初取
2329 セーブ初回
2330 入口1
2331 入口2
2332 自作メニュー禁止
2333 ミニゲ既クリア
2334 ゆきぐにっきED用
2335 覚えてろよ
2336 入口3
2337 入口4
2338 入口5
2339 入口6
2340 GOODENDすいっち
2341 にゃんこスーツ
2342 メイド服
2343 スーツ
2344 チュチュ
2345 セーラー
2346 凍てつき
2347 さび
2348 うそ
2349 アレオ
2350 あや
2351 あいね
2352 やみつき
2353 くらやみ
2354 いらつき
2355 かざぐるま
2356 ホセくうん
2357 いそきし
2358 4号
2359 ふねつき
2360 いろつき
2361 ★22人目ぜんまい氏
2362 ちえちゃん
2363 かみつき
2364 ごろつき
2365 ながつき
2366 ふらつき
2367 フローレット
2368 よみかちゃ
2369 たかし
2370 おりがみつき
2371 えりっくん
2372 A
2373 しみちゃん
2374 たーつきくーん
2375 さーくーらー
2376 そめつき
2377 れりっく
2378 Naoto
2379 ふぃんふぃん
2380 白雪
2381 ★22人目ぜんまい氏
2382 さなぎ(なんかの)
2383 チャイナっぽい
2384 - 2399 N/A N/A Unused switch
2400 ★22人目ここまで


Number Japanese Name Translation Description
2401 kuraud ED
2402 20 ED1
2403 20 ED2
2404 20 ED3
2405 oudn ED
2406 dedp ED
2407 個人EDフラグ領域
2408 個人EDフラグ領域
2409 個人EDフラグ領域
2410 個人EDフラグ領域
2411 個人EDフラグ領域
2412 個人EDフラグ領域
2413 個人EDフラグ領域
2414 個人EDフラグ領域
2415 個人EDフラグ領域
2416 個人EDフラグ領域
2417 個人EDフラグ領域
2418 個人EDフラグ領域
2419 個人EDフラグ領域
2420 個人EDフラグ領域
2421 個人EDフラグ領域
2422 個人EDフラグ領域
2423 個人EDフラグ領域
2424 個人EDフラグ領域
2425 個人EDフラグ領域
2426 個人EDフラグ領域
2427 個人EDフラグ領域
2428 個人EDフラグ領域
2429 個人EDフラグ領域
2430 個人EDフラグ領域
2431 個人EDフラグ領域
2432 個人EDフラグ領域
2433 個人EDフラグ領域
2434 個人EDフラグ領域
2435 個人EDフラグ領域
2436 個人EDフラグ領域
2437 個人EDフラグ領域
2438 個人EDフラグ領域
2439 個人EDフラグ領域
2440 個人EDフラグここまで
2441 kuraud ED初見
2442 20 ED1初見
2443 20 ED2初見
2444 20 ED3初見
2445 oudn ED初見
2446 dedp初見
2447 個人ED初見領域
2448 個人ED初見領域
2449 個人ED初見領域
2450 個人ED初見領域
2451 個人ED初見領域
2452 個人ED初見領域
2453 個人ED初見領域
2454 個人ED初見領域
2455 個人ED初見領域
2456 個人ED初見領域
2457 個人ED初見領域
2458 個人ED初見領域
2459 個人ED初見領域
2460 個人ED初見領域
2461 個人ED初見領域
2462 個人ED初見領域
2463 個人ED初見領域
2464 個人ED初見領域
2465 個人ED初見領域
2466 個人ED初見領域
2467 個人ED初見領域
2468 個人ED初見領域
2469 個人ED初見領域
2470 個人ED初見領域
2471 個人ED初見領域
2472 個人ED初見領域
2473 個人ED初見領域
2474 個人ED初見領域
2475 個人ED初見領域
2476 個人ED初見領域
2477 個人ED初見領域
2478 個人ED初見領域
2479 個人ED初見領域
2480 個人ED初見ここまで
2481 スタッフロール1初見 デフォルト
2482 スタッフロール2初見 20専用1
2483 スタッフロール3初見 20専用2
2484 スタッフロール4初見 K専用1
2485 スタッフロール5初見 dedp
2486 - 2498 N/A N/A Unused switches
2499 ■プレゼント出現
2500 ■EDコンプリート
2501 2i9用便利スイッチA
2502 お面装備フラグ Mask Equip Flag If this switch is on when CEV[0273:Mask Equip] is called, you equip a mask in accordance with V[3930:Transformation No.]
2503 鯨飲水中か?
2504 天候変更MAPEvで処理 Handle Teruteru Weather

Change With Map Event

When turned on, when Teruteru would change the weather it instead activates S[0192:Effect - Teruteru Bouzu]
2505 戦アpicMAPEvで処理 Handle Battle Animation

With Map Event

When turned on, battle animations unique to the specific map play. Use in conjunction with CEV[0310:【A】Picture Battle Animation]
2506 便利スイッチA
2507 - 2512 N/A N/A Unused switches
2513 繋皆→鯨開通した?
2514 シスグラNo.22取得済?
2515 シスグラNo.23取得済?
2516 シスグラNo.24取得済?
2517 白い本取得済?
2518 コンプ→影絵開通した?
2519 コウモリ角生えた?
2520 2i9用便利スイッチB
2521 66人目 light
2522 あっ
2523 - 2530 N/A N/A Unused switches
2531 斬っちゃった
2532 zetuen
2533 - 2539 N/A N/A Unused switches
2540 66人目ここまで
2541 67人目 shigurin
2542 夢孤島内部in
2543 廃籠外in
2544 浅瀬の家暗in
2545 紅葉in
2546 グラ内部in
2547 腕判定
2548 チットヤー壁紙
2549 機密パズル判定
2550 水の都壁紙判定
2551 シスグラ No.20
2552 シスグラ No.21
2553 208判定
2554 209判定
2555 212判定
2556 214判定
2557 215判定
2558 217判定
2559 224判定
2560 228判定
2561 68人目 VANEGI
2562 - 2579 N/A N/A Unused switches
2580 68人目ここまで
2581 69人目 maptsuki 壁紙
2582 文霧⇔ターミナル開通
2583 音呼鋸⇔ターミナル開通
2584 バターレイン⇔ターミナル開通
2585 クスリマス⇔ターミナル開通
2586 NEW桃ぷにクールタイム
2587 - 2599 N/A N/A Unused switches
2600 69人目ここまで


Number Japanese Name Translation Description
2601 ★24人目ここから
2602 Bokun
2603 - 2619 N/A N/A Unused switches
2620 Bokun
2621 ★24人目
2622 Bokun
2623 - 2639 N/A N/A Unused switches
2640 Bokun
2641 ★24人目
2642 Bokun
2643 - 2659 N/A N/A Unused switches
2660 Bokun
2661 ★24人目
2662 Bokun
2663 - 2679 N/A N/A Unused switches
2680 Bokun
2681 ★24人目
2682 Bokun
2683 - 2698 N/A N/A Unused switches
2699 Bokun
2700 ★24人目ここまで
2701 ★25人目_20
2702 レギンスお化け
2703 - 2710 N/A N/A Unused switches
2711 図書館本既読001 Library book already read 001 Have read "book txt 1-1" to "book txt 1-3" (requires you to read all pages), located in the left bookcase, first row, and first book from the right in Library.
2712 図書館本既読002 Library book already read 002 Have read "book txt 20-1" to "book txt 20-4" (requires you to read all pages), located in the left bookcase, first row, and second book from the right in Library.
2713 図書館本既読003 Library book already read 003 Have read "book txt 145-1", located in the left bookcase, first row, and third book from the right in Library.
2714 図書館本既読004 Library book already read 004 Have read "mudai" book, located in the left bookcase, first row, and fourth book from the right in Library.
2715 図書館本既読005 Library book already read 005 Have read Surimuki's book ("book txt 893 1-1 to "book txt 893 1-3"), located in the left bookcase, first row, and fifth book from the right in Library.
2716 図書館本既読006 Library book already read 006 Have read a book titled "あかいほん" (Red Book), located in the right bookcase, first row, and fifth book from the left in Library. Note that the switch activates when interacting with the book, which means that you could just choose not to read when the option shows up. This also applies to Switches 2717 to 2719.
2717 図書館本既読007 Library book already read 007 Have read a book titled "意味不明(3)" [Ambiguity (3)], located in the right bookcase, first row, and fourth book from the left in Library.
2718 図書館本既読008 Library book already read 008 Have read a book titled "意味不明(2)" [Ambiguity (2)], located in the right bookcase, first row, and third book from the left in Library.
2719 図書館本既読009 Library book already read 009 Have read a book titled "意味不明(1)" [Ambiguity (1)], located in the right bookcase, first row, and second book from the left in Library.
2720 図書館本既読010 Library book already read 010 Have read Marginal Vivid Worker's book ("sababooks_1" and "sababooks_Q"), located in the right bookcase, first row, and first book from the left in Library.
2721 図書館本既読011 Library book already read 011 Have read Waku Waku-san's book, located in the left bookcase, second row, and first book from the right in Library.
2722 図書館本既読012 Library book already read 012 Have read "book txt 20-5", located in the left bookcase, second row, and third book from the right in Library.
2723 図書館本既読013 Library book already read 013 Have read a book about "How to Play a Game by Yourself ③" ("book txt 145-2"), located in the left bookcase, second row, and fourth book from the right in Library.
2724 図書館本既読014 Library book already read 014 Have read a book about characters that has a 1/35 chance to take you to Character Plains ("book txt sn1" to "book txt sn-5"), located in the left bookcase, second row, and fifth book from the right in Library.
2725 図書館本既読015 Library book already read 015 Have read a book about Red Remedy ("book txt 145-3"), located in the left bookcase, second row, and sixth book from the right in Library.
2726 図書館本既読016 Library book already read 016 Have read White Drooling Creature's book that serves as a shortcut to Apartments if you have visited it once ("にっき 1-1 to にっき 1-9"), located in the right bookcase, second row, and fifth book from the left in Library.
2727 図書館本既読017 Library book already read 017 Have read a book that shows and unlocks Wallpaper #9 ("pc yumegamen 03-8"), located in the right bookcase, second row, and fourth book from the left in Library.
2728 図書館本既読018 Library book already read 018 Have read a book that shows a diary about getting bullied at school ("lxl_本" and "lxl_1"), located in the right bookcase, second row, and third book from the left in Library.
2729 図書館本既読019 Library book already read 019 Have read a book that shows a grayscale map layout of Saturated Eyeball Zone or rarely, 1/16 chance of showing an eye instead ("kura_txt8" and "kura_txt9"), located in the left bookcase, third row, and fourth book from the right in Library.
2730 図書館本既読020 Library book already read 020 Have read a book that shows a recipe for tempura with boiled eggs ("kura_txt5"), located in the right bookcase, third row, and third book from the left in Library.
2731 図書館本既読021 Library book already read 021 Have read a book written in custom characters that contains some hints ("kura_GBlike_01" to "kura_GBlike_05"), located in the right bookcase, third row, and second book from the left in Library.
2732 図書館本既読022 Library book already read 022 Have read a book that shows a map of the Red Brick Maze ("kura map"), located in the right bookcase, third row, and first book from the left in Library.
2733 図書館本既読023 Library book already read 023 Have read "book txt bekurotu", located in the right bookcase, second row, and second book from the left in Library.
2734 図書館本既読024 Library book already read 024 Have read "book txt syousou", located in the right bookcase, second row, and first book from the left in Library.
2735 図書館本既読025 Library book already read 025 Have read a book that shows a conversation between two person about clocks ("book txt 草 1"), located in the left bookcase, third row, and first book from the right in Library.
2736 図書館本既読026 Library book already read 026 Have read "kura_txt11", located in the right bookcase, third row, and fourth book from the left in Library.
2737 図書館本既読027 Library book already read 027 Unused
2738 図書館本既読028 Library book already read 028 Unused
2739 図書館本既読029 Library book already read 029 Unused
2740 図書館本既読030 Library book already read 030 Unused
2741 48人目Sniperbob 48th person Sniperbob
2742 - 2759 N/A N/A Unused switches
2760 48人目ここまで
2761 49人目ここから
2762 メニュータイプ17
2763 ぽよ死亡
2764 旧MT17
2765 Ca_スッピン座常時無効F
2766 - 2779 N/A N/A Unused switches
2780 49人目ここまで
2781 50人目 イェリス
2782 壁紙フラグ 159
2783 壁紙フラグ 160
2784 フラグ ハードウェア
2785 歌うフラグ 0-RA
2786 歌うフラグ 0-CA
2787 歌うフラグ 0-NA
2788 歌うフラグ 全員
2789 壁紙 カノジョのスキ
2790 壁紙 古割レトロ
2791 壁紙フラグ 161
2792 壁紙 OS三姉妹
2793 絵柄フラグ NULL-MI
2794 絵柄フラグ いでんし
2795 フラグ ホームル(L)
2796 壁紙 一杯いかが
2797 絵柄フラグ ぜんまい
2798 シスグラ No.19 Acquire Menu Theme #19
2799 壁紙フラグ 232 Unlocks Wallpaper #232
2800 50人目ここまで


Number Japanese Name Translation Description
2801 ★26人目oudn
2802 - 2820 N/A N/A Unused switches
2821 ★26人目
2822 oudn
2823 - 2840 N/A N/A Unused switches
2841 ★26人目
2842 oudn
2843 - 2860 N/A N/A Unused switches
2861 ★26人目
2862 oudn
2863 - 2880 N/A N/A Unused switches
2881 ★26人目
2882 oudn
2883 - 2898 N/A N/A Unused switches
2899 oudn
2900 ★26人目ここまで
2901 51人目GALAXY
2902 壁紙163番フラグ
2903 壁紙 終わらない夢
2904 Did you meet Star?
2905 Did you meet Christ?
2906 フロスト死亡
2907 壁紙166番フラグ
2908 アオォーッ
2909 壁紙 めだまのこ
2910 店長死亡
2911 バレット死亡
2912 薔薇男死亡
2913 長男死亡
2914 次男死亡
2915 Did you visit?
2916 判 アイドル
2917 工場←→歯車
2918 壁紙 月湖
2919 壁紙 ミカエル
2920 51人目ここまで
2921 52人目GALAXY
2922 壁紙 温泉さんみたい
2923 壁紙165番フラグ
2924 壁紙167番フラグ
2925 壁紙168番フラグ
2926 壁紙 正体
2927 壁紙 いらっしゃい
2928 - 2939 N/A N/A Unused switches
2940 52人目ここまで
2941 53人目 Gシーカー
2942 自販機ジャンプEV
2943 - 2959 N/A N/A Unused switches
2960 53人目ここまで
2961 ♪spelude♪ Is ON if the Tree of Life is in its Qliphothic state / The Ninetails silhoette is present in Splash Streetway
2962 蛍鑑賞
2963 贖え Atonement
2964 終わり
2966 映像
2967 異界到達 Reaching the Other World Is ON if Chaos World has been unlocked from the Butterfly Forest
2968 鳥突撃
2969 絵本イベント見た
2970 裏絵本到達
2971 裏絵本の中到達
2972 地獄花到達
2973 金平糖の豪雨
2974 落とした Dropped Urotsuki has been pushed in Red Sky Cliff
2975 倒した Beaten/Defeated The chaser in Red Lily Lake is active
2976 点火
2977 夢書庫から来た
2978 図書館から来た
2979 カギ
2980 54人目ここまで 54th person so far Collect the letter in Fruit Cake World
2981 ♪spelude♪
2982 あなたはここでうろと
2983 金平糖は星の味
2984 天秤繋ぐ世界
2985 ドレファドレラソファ
2986 小夜曲
2987 キーコーヒー
2988 74726
2989 - 2999 N/A N/A Unused switches
3000 55人目ここまで