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Welcome to the community hub, a place to discuss the wiki and ask questions related to the dream games.

You can ask for help or make plans here. This might be easier for you than reading a long help page or editing the to-do list.

This page isn't only for the wiki. You can also have a discussion about the games, such as technical support or how to find a certain item.

Anyone with an account can participate in discussion.

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  • Use one or more colons : to indent replies
  • Sign your message with four tildes --~~~~
  • Be respectful and avoid editing the messages of others

Alternatively, you can talk to editors using the YumeWiki Discord server. Any consensus reached on Yume Wiki takes precedence over those in private chats such as Discord.


New section

Should we have a forum

Might as well make the example topic a meta one. We have the DPLForum extension installed but it's unused. Would anyone be interested in that? We're trying to branch out from private discord servers but we need a solution that can stick. Keeping in mind that everyone needs an account to edit still. --ZASNK (talk) 00:03, 14 September 2024 (UTC)

I like the idea. The way the extension does forums doesn't interest me as much (essentially just a talk page directory), but I'm not opposed to it. Potatoidea (talk) 11:53, 14 September 2024 (UTC)
One of the things making me hold off on setting it up is that the wiki has no notification system, and even watchlist emails are broken, so you'd have to be pretty active to even see a reply. Maybe I'm making a big deal out of it but I feel like notifications are pretty necessary --ZASNK (talk) 22:29, 17 September 2024 (UTC)
I forgot to say, a little while ago I discovered user messages do still exist, but not on the default skin, for whatever reason :-/ I think the "echo" extension could help with that but Im not sure if we want to use more extensions after last time XD --ZASNK (talk) 22:34, 26 September 2024 (UTC)

BGM changes

{{BGM}} has been changed to pull title, speed, and author information from {{Infobox file}}, if the infobox is used in the BGM file page. If a file is used in multiple locations, this would let you avoid redundant info, as only filename, label, and soundroom number needs to be put in. Of course, if there is no infobox on the file page, whatever input for {{BGM}} gets used instead.

The reason for this change was to avoid duplicating any information by using a central location.

The new format for BGM in {{Locationbox}} is more of a draft. There were complaints that having all info visible made it cluttered, so I moved speed and author into an icon hover (or tap on mobile). If anyone has suggestions I'd love to hear it (or be bold and change it yourself, although the template is even more of a mess to read than usual). --ZASNK (talk) 03:00, 27 September 2024 (UTC)

CSS changes

There's been quite a few changes to wiki CSS in the past few days. Here's the most relevant parts:

  1. A proper "article-table" class has been added for styling tables like in YNFG Wiki
  2. You can use "explain" for hover text/tooltips
  3. There's an "infoicon" class for icons like connection ones Locked🔒
  4. Empty table cells can use class=empty| to become dark. This is preferable to using strict colours like #ccc because it can be changed at any time, for example to tweak how empty cells are colored in Cosmos. (I forgot to add this point initially)

Cosmos has had several updates as well, mainly to stuff like menu dropdown colours and wikitable. Image thumbnail captions now also use wiki colours, which might be a problem in some cases, tell me if you think so.

Citizen skin (the one that was used as default temporarily when the wiki broke) now has proper dark mode support as well as a lot of general fixes. The colors of each wiki still need some tweaking, and wikis with a normally dark scheme (like muma rope) don't work in light mode. If you actually use this skin, let me know so I have incentive to fix it ;-)

(I think I'll keep using this page as a sort of noticeboard in the future)

--ZASNK (talk) 06:15, 3 November 2024 (UTC)

There's now a template for hover text: {{tooltip|<Display text>|<Hover text>}} --ZASNK (talk) 03:24, 26 November 2024 (UTC)

New image class for sprites

If you have a pixel graphic — a character sprite, CharSet, FaceSet, whatever — you can add the class "pixel-perfect" to make it look nicer. This is being used in the Yume 2kki:Construction Signs page.

For files:

[[File:Example.png|<whatever>|class=pixel-perfect|<caption if needed>]]

For galleries:

<gallery class="pixel-perfect">

All this class does is add the following CSS. You can add this CSS style to galleries manually using "style", but you cannot add styles to individual images.

image-rendering: pixelated

Please don't use this class for anything else like screenshots, because it'll end up looking worse. Trust me (or Show preview and see for yourself). --ZASNK (talk) 21:41, 17 November 2024 (UTC)

Titles in italics

We should have a rule for whether to put game titles in italics. It seems there is no agreement on whether to write "Yume Nikki" or "Yume Nikki" and I think this should be sorted out. If anyone has a preference please do write it here so we can adopt a single style. --ZASNK (talk) 03:09, 26 November 2024 (UTC)

I definitely think we should always put titles in italics, especially since we have a game like If which is such a confusing title if you don't put it in italics. This rule should apply to YumeWiki and YnfgWiki in both page titles and whenever a game title is referenced in body text, etc. I think this would be proper encyclopedia writing if we did this. --Nexrob010 (talk) 03:41, 26 November 2024 (UTC)

I wasn't sure on this so I looked it up. Different English style guides seem to all agree that titles of creative works should be italized whether it's a book or a video game and if it's a smaller work within a larger work it should be in quotation marks instead. If so, game titles should always be in italics.

--Uksi (talk) 04:00, 26 November 2024 (UTC)

Seems to be quiet. I think I'll soon port the usual italic title templates and whatnot so we can properly move to this new style. Although I'll wait on putting it in the style guide. --ZASNK (talk) 14:08, 30 November 2024 (UTC)

Okay, been a while and so far all I've added was Template:'. This let's you add a proper, unitalicised apostrophe next to game titles: Yume Nikki's instead of Yume Nikki's.
In other news, I've added the fact we oughta make these changes to the new todo page, so hopefully it doesn't get swept under the rug (by me). --ZASNK (talk) 06:43, 13 December 2024 (UTC)