Documentation for this module may be created at Module:SoundtrackTable/doc
local p = {} function split(str, sep, max) local z = #sep; sep = '^.-'..sep:gsub('[$%%()*+%-.?%[%]^]', '%%%0') local t,n,p, q,r = {},1,1, str:find(sep) while q and n~=max do t[n],n,p = str:sub(q,r-z),n+1,r+1 q,r = str:find(sep,p) end t[n] = str:sub(p) return t end function trim(s) return s:match( "^%s*(.-)%s*$" ) end function toMap(entries) local fields = split(entries, '$$') local map = {} for var=1,#fields-1 do local tmp = {} local current = fields[var] for k, s in pairs(split(current, '$')) do local tmp2 = split(s, '=') tmp[tmp2[1]] = tmp2[2] end map[var] = tmp end return map end function value(entries, i, j, args) if not entries[i] then return 'Out Of Range' else if not entries[i][j] or entries[i][j] == '' then return args['default/' .. j] or '' else return entries[i][j] end end end function uniq(entries, i, j, args, columns) if not entries[i] then return 'Out Of Range' end if not args['unique/' .. j] then return value(entries, i, j, args) end local ret = args['unique/' .. j] for k, column in pairs(columns) do ret = ret:gsub(column, value(entries, i, column, args)) end return ret end function p.entry(frame) local parent = frame:getParent() local idsUntrimmed = split(parent.args["id"], ",") local ids = {} for i = 1, #idsUntrimmed do ids[i] = trim(idsUntrimmed[i]) end local idIndexes = {} for k, v in pairs(ids) do idIndexes[v] = k end local t = {} for k, value in pairs(parent.args) do local kSplit = split(k, '/') local key, override = kSplit[1], kSplit[2] if not t[key] then t[key] = {} end if override then t[key][idIndexes[override]] = trim(value) elseif value:find(",") then t[key] = split(value, ",") for i = 1, #ids do t[key][i] = trim(t[key][i]) end else for i = 1, #ids do if not t[key][i] then t[key][i] = trim(value) end end end end local result = "" for i = 1, #ids do local id = t["id"][i] local subobject = "{{#subobject:BGM/" .. id for key, tvalue in pairs(t) do local value = tvalue[i] or "" result = result .. "$" .. key .. "=" .. value subobject = subobject .. "\n|BGM/" .. key .. "=" if key == "location" then local locationRegex = '%[%[*.-%|*.-%]%]' if value:find(locationRegex) then local locations = {} for locMatch in value:gmatch(locationRegex) do table.insert(locations, split(split(split(locMatch, '|')[1], ':')[2], '#')[1]) end mw.logObject(locations) subobject = subobject .. table.concat(locations, ",") .. "|+sep=," else subobject = subobject .. value end else subobject = subobject .. value end end result = result .. "$$" subobject = subobject .. "\n}}" frame:preprocess(subobject) end return result end function p.generate(frame) local args = frame.args local entries = toMap(frame.args['entries']) local columns = split(frame.args['columns'], ',') local result = "" for var=1,#entries do for k, column in pairs(columns) do local id = uniq(entries, var, column, args, columns) if (id ~= uniq(entries, var - 1, column, args, columns)) then local rowspan = 1 while (id == uniq(entries, var + rowspan, column, args, columns)) do rowspan = rowspan + 1 end local value = value(entries, var, column, args) if value ~= '' and frame.args['display/' .. column] then value = frame.args['display/' .. column]:gsub('value', value) end result = result .. '|rowspan="' .. tostring(rowspan) .. '"|' .. value .. "\n" end end if (var ~= #entries) then result = result .. "|-\n" end end return result end return p