Mall Shoppers is a group of NPCs that can be found in The Mall. There are 6 of them which similar with normal people but in different skin color and faceless.
A madam that carries a green bag, she has purple skin and brown hair, wearing dark red clothes, blue dress and pink shoes.
Fat Guy
A guy that has a fat body, he has blue skin and maroon hair, wearing light blue shirt, dusky green jeans and seem to be shoesless.
A female that has gray skin and dark hair, wearing dark brown clothes, pine color dress and purple shoes.
A man that has green skin and dirty green hair, wearing dusky green clothes, dark blue jeans and purple shoes. He is some how looks similar with Shitai-san appearance.
Twintail Girl
A little girl that has pink skin and maroon twintailed hair, wearing light purple clothes, white pink skirt and maroon shoes.
A little boy that has blue skin and red hair, wearing light blue clothes, blue jeans and light green shoes.