Mall Shoppers are a group of NPCs that can be found in The Mall. There are 6 of them which similar with normal people but in different color apearance and faceless. They are probably the people that Madotsuki met in the reality of pass, and similar with the Maussan Bros in the Sky Garden.
A madam that carries a green bag, she has purple skin and brown hair, wearing dark red clothes, blue dress and pink shoes.
Fat Guy
A guy that has a fat body, he has blue skin and maroon hair, wearing light blue shirt, dusky green jeans and seem to be shoesless.
Gray Lady
A female that has gray skin and dark hair, wearing dark brown clothes, pine color dress and purple shoes.
Green Man
A man that has green skin and dirty green hair, wearing dusky green clothes, dark blue jeans and purple shoes. He is some how looks similar with Shitai-san appearance.
Twintail Girl
A little girl that has pink skin and maroon twintails, wearing light purple clothes, white pink skirt and maroon shoes.
Blue Boy
A little boy that has blue skin and red hair, wearing light blue clothes, blue jeans and light green shoes.
- There have some theories that link the Mall Shoppers as another NPCs in the game.
Ex: the Green Man = Shitai-san, Gray Lady = Monoe, Twintail Girl = Monoko. - If the Mall represents as a Hospital, they may are some patients or patients' family, or possible Madotsuki's family.