in the hell does "Star jelly is Earthbound 4 in fiction" even mean? This page is riddled with inference, and the author of it seems to not know that Mother was on the Famicom, not Earthbound.
Somebody please fix this crap.
From the similarity in the visual side of FCWorld and MOTHER2,
the monster which is in FC World guessed that I was ?, if I was characters of the same SF as MOTHER2, and the alien's symbol.
Mt.kiki 02:21, May 13, 2013 (JST)
From a movie called "THE BLOB", star jelly is SF symbol and I regarded it as the point which is jelly-like and is a white color being similar also to a monster called "Merutomaro" of Yumenikki. Mt.kiki 02:35, May 13, 2013 (JST)