KIKIYAMA is the creator of Yume Nikki. Very little is known about them, due to insuficcient information regarding their identity and location.
For a very long time, it was thought to the English community that KIKIYAMA had no form of contact, as the website hasn't been updated, and the only mention of KIKIYAMA in public was a possibly apocryphal interview said to be from a Japanese website. However, a recent thread on Uboachan revealed that all this time, KIKIYAMA's email address was available. A member contacted KIKIYAMA and asked whether or not the game would get an update, and it was confirmed that Yume Nikki would make it past version 0.10, albeit very slowly.
Recently, a link was posted on Uboachan to a MySound profile, theorized by fans to have been created by KIKIYAMA. Link here. It seems like the account doesn't exist anymore, as the host site went down a few years back. It can be accessed in part using the Wayback Machine (
It is theorized that KIKIYAMA was not involved in the 2011 off-the-Pacific-coast-of-Tohoku earthquake , but this has not yet been confirmed.
Official Website
KIKIYAMAHP is KIKIYAMA's official website pertaining to Yume Nikki. It can be found here:
Translated Changelog
- The changelog from KIKIYAMAs website has been translated by PsiWolf and can be viewed here: (