There are several characters and NPCs found in the worlds of Yin Ming's Mind Nexus. Some give Properties, while others add flavor to the world around them.
A green cube with a neutral expression and a single antenna on its head. It is found in Yin Ming’s Dream Bedroom, and if interacted with, can join him for adventures.
A purple cube with a wide smile, and several nubs on its body. After completing the difficult level of the PC Game, and being found by Yin Ming, it will also appear as a potential party member in his Dream Bedroom.
The owner of the shop in RVlFJ3MgYmFy. So far, he is the only other character in Unaccomplished who has some kind of dialogue (besides Yin Ming via his Document entries). He speaks in Base64; deciphers of which are listed below:
Dialogue Option | Original Text | Translation | |
When meeting for the first time | V2VsY29tZSB0byB0aGUgdXNlbGVzcyBzdG9yZSBydWl
ucy4uLiAKTGl0dGxlIGd1eS4KV2hhdCBkbyB5b3UgbmVlZD8 |
Welcome to the useless store ruins...
Little guy. What do you need? | |
(if you have bought something at least once) |
"About this store" | QmVjYXVzZSBJJ20gbmVlZGVkIGhlcmUsIHNvIEknbSB
oZXJlLCBpbiBhIHNlbWktY29tcHVsc2l2ZSBraW5kIG9mIHdheS4 |
Because I'm needed here, so I'm here, in a semi-compulsive kind of way. |
kZXIgY29uc3RydWN0aW9uLCBzbyBpdCdzIHZlcnkgc2ltcGxlLg |
As you can see, here is still under construction, so it's very simple. | ||
...... | ...... | ||
uZCB0aW1lIGFueXdheSwgd291bGQgeW91Pw |
You wouldn't come back here second time anyway, would you? | ||
"About goods" | WWVzLCB0aGVyZSBpcyBvbmx5IHRocmVlIGNvbW1vZGl
0eSBhdCB0aGUgbW9tZW50LCB5b3UgY2FuIGV4cGVjdCB0aGUgb mV4dCB1cGRhdGUu |
Yes, there is only three commodity at the moment, you can expect the next update. | |
SSBvbmx5IHNlbGwgaXQsIGRvbid0IGRvIHRoZSBkZXNpZ24u | I only sell it, don't do the design. | ||
...... | ...... | ||
"About you" | ...... | ...... | |
SSdsbCBvbmx5IHNheSBpdCBvbmNlLg | I'll only say it once. (He will repeat this line if you select this prompt again.) | ||
...... | ...... | ||
WW91IGNhbiBjYWxsIG1lIEVZRS4 | You can call me EYE. | ||
...... | ...... | ||
sYWNlcy4gCkF0IGxlYXN0IGl0J3MgYmV0dGVyIHRoYW4gdGhlI HBsYWNlIEkgd2FzIGluLg |
Sometimes I'll check out other places.
At least it's better than the place I was in. | ||
(if you haven't made a purchase yet) | |||
vdXQu |
Talk? We have nothing to talk about. | ||
...... | ...... | ||
yZXMgdGhhdCBoYXZlbid0IGJvdWdodCBhbnl0aGluZy4 |
Sorry, I don't talk with creatures that haven't bought anything. |
Effect-Giving NPCs
Another Him
Little Yin Ming
Yin Melted
Other Characters
A fellow found smoking at the stairwell found at the bottom of Long Staircase. Interestingly, he turns bright red and blue when hit with the Plastic Bottle, like the sign above the Abandoned Internet Cafe entrance.
A lone figure found on an isolated island in Sunset Grassland, looking into the distance and smoking a pipe. Currently does not react to any Property.
Perhaps the wooden building is their home? And would that make the Straw Hat originally theirs as well?
Ms. Red
A translucent figure who briefly appears behind Yin Ming after he interacts with the incense in Memorial Candle that takes him to Front of Door. She is rather hard to spot, since she appears just as the candles go out and the screen dims.
Yan Hong (殷红)
A girl found in Character Plate, looking up a tall column covered with red characters. She glances at Yin Ming when interacted with.
If he equips the Emptiness property, her head will turn into a golden flower blossom.

Floating blocks that serve as the teleporters in Tetris Puzzle. They share a motif with the preceding area, Emoticon Playground: primary color blocks with emoticon faces.

Yun (云) and Ying (荧)
Two mysterious girls found seated together on a bench in Moon Light Sands. Their sprites are translucent, and they cannot be interacted with, but they do react to certain Properties.
A figure seated above the isolated location in Tetris Puzzle where the Glowstick property is found. Normally, their sprite is in grayscale, but if Yin Ming uses the Glowstick property, they will change into the corresponding color. With all four colors brought out, their full palette will be revealed.
Repair Worker
The fixer of the broken Madotsuki case in Exhibition Hall; his toolbox nearby gives 4 Yuan.
The Shadow
A fleeting figure that appears on the first visit to Deep Woods. It can be chased further into Dark Cave.
- Yan Hong also appears in another fangame [COLD]-冷. She has the same animation upon interaction.