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Yume Nikki:Madotsuki(name)


Blindfold【東京惑星プラネトキオの目元のモザイク】(2022year new theory)


Madotsuki wears a black blindfold.

TokyoWakuseiPlanetTokio Blindfold.png

Mosaic in the eyes of a man on the Tokyo Planet Planetokio.

mado-tsuki 【窓付き】

「mado」 + 「tsuki」 = 窓付き(まどつき);fit a pane into a shoji

mado 【窓】

「mado」 = 窓(まど); aperture,window


tsuki 【付き】

「tsuki」 = 付き(つき); attachedto


roku-sou 【六窓】

「roku」 = 六(ろく);Six + 「mado」 = 窓(まど);aperture,window


「roku-sou」 = 六窓(ろくそう);Six sense-organs



Likened to six windows that leads to the outside world,sense-organsof Lee, tongue, nose, ears, eyes.



六根(rok-kon) = 六窓(roku-sou)


十八界(eighteen components of perception)
十二処(twelfth places)
六根(six sense organs) 六境(six objective fields of the senses) 六識(six consciousnesses)
眼(eyes) 色(color) 眼識(seeing)
耳(ears) 声(voice) 耳識(hearing)
鼻(nose) 香(scent) 鼻識(smelling)
舌(tongue) 味(flavour) 舌識(tasting)
身(body) 触(physical feeling) 身識(touching)
意(mind) 法(mental presentation)



by Goottfried Wilhelm Leibniz translated by Robert Latta&河野与一訳)

1. The Monad, of which we shall here speak, is nothing but a simple substance, which enters into compounds. By 'simple' is meant 'without parts.' (Theod. 10.)


2. And there must be simple substances, since there are compounds; for a compound is nothing but a collection or aggregatum of simple things.


3. Now where there are no parts, there can be neither extension nor form [figure] nor divisibility.These Monads are the real atoms of nature and, in a word, the elements of things.


4. No dissolution of these elements need be feared, and there is no conceivable way in which a simple substance can be destroyed by natural means. (Theod. 89.)


5. For the same reason there is no conceivable way in which a simple substance can come into being by natural means, since it cannot be formed by the combination of parts [composition].


6. Thus it may be said that a Monad can only come into being or come to an end all at once; that is to say, it can come into being only by creation and come to an end only by annihilation, while that which is compound comes into being or comes to an end by parts.


7. Further, there is no way of explaining how a Monad can be altered in quality or internally changed by any other created thing; since it is impossible to change the place of anything in it or to conceive in it any internal motion which could be produced, directed, increased or diminished therein, although all this is possible in the case of compounds, in which there are changes among the parts.




The Monads have no windows, through which anything could come in or go out.

Accidents cannot separate themselves from substances nor go about outside of them, as the

'sensible species' of the Scholastics used to do. Thus neither substance nor accident can come into a Monad from outside.


※An important point is that Madotsuki has a window here.

"The Monad" = Theories of "Yumenikki"

"The window" = "The Monad" from outside

『ライプニツツ 『単子論』 河野与一訳、岩波書店〈哲学古典叢書 5〉、1928年。』




As for consciousness and representation, neither things [ all / other ] nor the state in the world is made equivalent.



It is close to the unconscious concept which calls this minute representation and it says later.


For example, consciousness is constituted by the minute representation vaguely and indistinctly corresponding to the state of the body or the external world when sleeping.


Yoshitoshi ABe『an omnipresence in wired』(1999/05)

Madotsuki(an omnipresence in wired)(False theories)

1 作品概要

雑誌連載されたグラフィック+テキストは、キャラクター原案の安倍吉俊による画集『an omnipresence in wired』(オムニプレゼンス=遍在)に未掲載分を含めた完全版が収録されている。長らく絶版だったが、ワニマガジン社より『yoshitoshi ABe lain illustrations』として描き下ろし分を追加して再版された。

『an omnipresence in wired』- AGE01(Polish_plait_LAIN)


an omnipresence in wired by yoshitoshi ABe is surely one of the greatest anime artbooks ever made. Hardcover with a plastic slip-case and containing 128-pages of art on high quality paper, the package is irresistible. Most of the art is full-color, but even the few black and white drawings are stunning. The variety of illustrations and drawings is excellent as well. The various illustrations that appeared in AX Magazine, all the cover art, PSX game art, stuff from the various omake (LD and DVD extras), design sketches, a beautiful and creepy full-color comic...it's all there and more. The layout is simple--not as interesting as Visual Experiments Lain--but the content is rich. With not much text at all, omnipresence contains page after page of gorgeous illustrations, many of them full page or even spanning two pages. Each in their own way, the two books are a visual tour de force. omnipresence is not easy to find and it is relatively expensive, but if you love Lain, you can't do without this book.

3980 Yen (http://www.cjas.org/~leng/lbooks.htm)

『yoshitoshi ABe lain illustrations』(Polish plait LAIN)
Polish plait,Brown hair,Purple Skirt(Madotsuki)

- layer12.LANDSCAPE - 1998年9月21日

玲音 「判らないのは、あなたの事、神様」

玲音 「あなたが出来た事はWIREDからデバイスを解放する事。ネットワークとか...そういうものが無くちゃあなたは何も出来なかった」

デウス 「そうさ、それらは人間の進化に伴って生まれたものじゃないか。最も進化した人間はそれにより高い機能を持たせる権利がある」

玲音 「....その権利、誰がくれたの?」

デウス 「!」

玲音 「地球の固有振動波にシンクロさせたコードをプロトコル7に組み込む事で、集合的無意識を意識へと転移させるプログラム...本当にあなたが考えだした事なの?」

玲音 "By including 7 protocol code to synchronize to the earth's natural vibration wave, No such that you think really program ... began to transition to the conscious collective unconscious?"


デウス 「...何を言いたいのだ!まさか...まさか...本当に神がいるなどと!!」

玲音 「どっちにしろ、肉体を失ってしまったあなたには...もう判らない事」

デウス 「嘘だ!僕は.....僕は万能なんだよ!僕が君をリアルワールドに肉体化させてあげたんだぞ!ワイヤードに偏在していた君に自我を与え....それを!!」

デウス 'm Versatile! Give the ego in you that I have been unevenly distributed! Wired I'll let the incarnation was to him for the real world .... You lie! "..... I it I a! "


玲音 「あたしがそうだとしたら、あなただって」

デウス 「僕は違う.....!!僕は!」

玲音 「あなたは確かにワイヤードでは神様だった。でも、それはワイヤードができるまで待っていた、誰かさんの代理の神様.....」


※LAIN : 集合的無意識(Collective unconscious)→意識へと転移させる(And the transition to consciousness)

Madotsuki : The Monads have no windows,(モナドには窓がない)→have windows(モナドに窓がある)

Madotsuki⇒Window⇒Microsoft Windows

Madotsuki(Microsoft Windows)(False theories)

※Madotsuki⇒WindowMicrosoft Windows

madotsuki is only the icon and link on a desktop without self.

Easter EggEaster egg (media)


taggingTag (metadata)


Firewall (construction)Firewall (computing)

http://yumenikki.wikia.com/wiki/FC_World # FC Castle Ramparts

mado-onna 【窓女】(False theories)

窓(mado);window + 女(onna);woman

窓女(mado-onna) = 窓付き(madotsuki)

onna 【女】(False theories)

onna = 女(おんな);female,woman


madonna 【マドンナ】(False theories)

madonna = マドンナ(まどんな);the Madonna
