Unnamed characters
The characters listed as 'unnamed' are characters that no consensus has been formed for. This means that they may have multiple suggested names but there has not yet been any agreement on which is best. Do not simply think of names and add them to the list, the idea is to get a name that most fans can agree on and like. It's not a case of the first person to edit the article getting their way.
A good place to discuss minor characters and their naming is on the uboachan imageboard:Other /c/haracters
pl0x 2 B using it.
This talk page could also be used for suggestions and discussions therof, but the chan has a better userbase.
TenhGrey 14:24, June 3, 2011 (UTC)
I would like to Create the Sotoburu page. Should I just name it Sotoburu? Most people seem to have accepted the name as I've seen many fans calling him that, although Uboachan has marked it as "No suggestions".
Fulminis-ictus (talk) 13:07, December 31, 2013 (UTC)
- Go right ahead.
Officially, I resent these names as most of them are just one person coming on here and installing their ideas as 'fanon'. But without any alternative, I suppose we just accept it until there's some reason to change them. We can always rename article pages, so you can create one under the 'Sotoburu' moniker as a placeholder, if nothing else. // TenhGrey (talk) 18:33, December 31, 2013 (UTC)
I found out that a non-npc character missing from the list: http://uboachan.net/c/src/1365323157747.png , it is in the path to the Thing with the Quivering Jaw. Its Japanese name is called 色々出て座ってるの (the sitting thing that spray out lots of thing), and I think the better name from the uboachan thread is Vomiting Diglett.
Maqinor101 (talk) 02:27, September 28, 2014 (UTC)
Another idea
I was thinking of making the creatures from the KALIMBA TV Channel their own page. What do you guys think? GreenToxic ★ Talk 03:58, 7 November 2020 (UTC)