Spiraling out of control... +
You pet the moon and you pet the star! +
Curiosity is a treacherous thing. +
Coyotes are good dancers +
Seeing is not always believing. +
Aww, look at those eyes! +
Crystals that shine like stars on stars that shine like crystals +
Behind the mystique, they really aren't so different from us. +
How long can she dance? +
... but I get up again! +
Who could've done this to you? +
Dogs are our best friends! +
You must have a keen eye for aquatic life +
Yummy juice! +
The view is great from here, isn't it? +
They're so cute, it almost makes you ignore the a... a... ahhCHOO!... Allergies. +
A divine awakening +
... and that's just what they'll do! +