Like Yume Nikki and many of its fangames, Dream Genie contains a variety of events that Qiu Qin may encounter while exploring the dream world. This article is a list of many of the events found within the game, as well as their individual location and their requirements to activate.
Futuristic Road Trip
Location: Reality Dream
Prompt: Instead of being caught by the demon and teleported to the Hellish Trial, bypassing it from the side and entering the black portal behind has a 1/2 chance of waking up, or, walk into a false Sweet Home. In the second case, interact with the door in the room.
Description: Behind the door is a road where a futuristic vehicle is parked. Interacting with it causes the vehicle to start and play techno music. Interacting with the vehicle again, Qiu Qin will sit in the vehicle, the vehicle will then keep repeating along the road under a cyan sky background until the player presses the interaction key again. Qiu Qin will then get out of the car and find a portal on the left side of the vehicle on the road that sends Qiu Qin back to the Subnexus.
Into Space

Location: Rocket Station
Prompt: Interact with a pair of doors in the black building on the north side of the map.
Description: Qiu Qin will board a blue space shuttle and take off, player can control the movement of the shuttle by using the arrow keys. Moving to the right, Qiu Qin will find an object with a cyan core in space, and on its right side is a UFO. Attempting to bypass or crash into UFO will result in Qiu Qin being teleported to Cosmic Prison, from which the player can only escape by return to the Nexus using Strange Egg Delusion or wake up.
Location: Chamber of a Life Cycle
Prompt: Interact with the red figure in the center of the room.
Description: See description on Chamber of a Life Cycle page.
My Home
Location: Hellish Prison
Prompt: In the room to the left of the Spear of Fear Save Point, theres a group of stationary demons. Interact with the one on the top right.
Description: The game will show a close-up of that demon, followed by a bloody eyeball protruding from the demon's head, sending Qiu Qin to My Home. Inside a photo frame can be found on the counter on the left side of the room, interacting with it will show a picture of Qiu Qin and a woman. There is also a piece of paper on the floor that contains a diary written by Qiu Qin about the death of her pet rabbit. Trying to get Qiu Qin to pick up the paper again will cause her to refuse and say "Don't mention it anymore!"
Red Room
Location: Pixelated Fish
Prompt: Go northwest from the entrance to 3D Mecha Path until you come across a wooden door, open it.
Description: Behind the door was a corridor and an ordinary looking black room. However, when Qiu Qin walks into the room, the screen will briefly turn red. When reach the end of the room, Qiu Qin will find a lot of graffiti on the walls and floor on both sides. Trying to return to the corridor where Qiu Qin came from sends her back to the 3D Mecha Path.
Ride of Terror
Location: Train
Prompt: After falling asleep and waking up on the chair, walk towards the right end of the train.
Description: After walking through two carriages, the door that opens the third one will leads to a small Jumpscare. The next carriage will become bloodstained, at which point turning back would enter a particularly long carriage, and interacting with the left end of the carriage would cause Qiu Qin's eyes to start bleeding, and then her whole head would burst, force her to wake up. Continuing to the right will lead to more and more blood in the carriage until it covers the whole carriage. Going to the right will bring Qiu Qin to the end of a passage, and when interacting, a tall executioner will appear and cut Qiu Qin's head. Qiu Qin is then teleported to a false Sweet Home with the door leading to Rocket Station.
Slenderman in Hiding
Location: Freezing Point
Prompt: There is an area surrounded by four white knight pieces in the bottom left corner of the chessboard. Walking on the area transports the player to a frozen corridor, walk to the southernmost end of the corridor and interact with the eye-shaped object.
Description: After interact with the object, Qiu Qin will enter a monochromatic room made up of scrawled lines. There is a tall creature on the right side of the room, when Qiu Qin interacts with him, he claims to be Slender Man and has to hide here due to people's fear of him. Interacting with the white part in the middle of the room will distort the screen and transport the player to a false Sweet Home.
Solitary Confinement
Location: The Hand Shop or Narrow Apartments
Prompt: This event can be triggered in two different places. For The Hand Shop, interact with the Small Hand three times after purchasing the items it sells. For the Narrow Apartments, there is a staircase on the right side of the entrance, going up the stairs, player will find a humanoid outline on the wall. Interact with the wall to the right of the outline will open a hidden door.
Description: A large, SCP-173-like creature lying in the corner of the room, his teeth and right eye are constantly shaking, the room is playing a loop of sounds like howling or laughing, and occasionally a picture of a bloody smiley face. There is no other way to leave the room except using the Strange Egg Delusion or wake up.
Unreachable Delusion
Location: Ancient Heavenly Sky
Prompt: Go right at the inverted T-intersection and then go down to the end.
Description: Upon going down the longest path in Ancient Heavenly Sky, the player will come across the Fake Effect - a strange gemlike item with the word 'GET' overlaid onto it. Approaching it causes the blocks leading up to it to move away, leaving it inaccessible.
Vision of Me
Location: Hallucination World
Prompt: Head southwest (or north by west if entered from the Gray Staircase), there is an interactable oval object near the end of the straight path of colored objects. Interact with it.
Description: After standing in and interacting with the scrambled neon cut out standee, a full-screen image of a light-purple outline of Qiu Qin will appear with other indistinct things by the sides. The event lasts for a few seconds before exiting out.