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rollie (also known as rollaby) is a peruvian Collective Unconscious developer, Yume 2kki contributor, wiki contributor and artist, somewhat.
Born February 26th of a distant 2006. Not frequent in big servers anymore. Use he/him or they/them when referring to me, she/her formally/legally (sadly). Perú es clave.
Collective Unconscious Worlds
Crystal Complex
Crystal Complex was the first world rollie made. He still keeps the old concept art for some reason.
Glass Shards Path
Glass Shards Path is a world rollie set up as a challenge in a first instance. It features the beloved Glass Eater (any coincidence with a certain cat who's into men is pure coincidence. Stop comparing the creature with Glass Eater at least when rollie is watching) .
Mural Passage
Mural Passage is a world done during the Collective Creations event hosted within the development Discord server. He needed help with it, leading to others lending a hand; the earliest being Fonvight and the most prominent, meena.
Flesh Walls Forest
rollie couldn't help that much in this one due to studies. Although he used nekhnona's initial concept art for Ruri to create the definitive design and offered his map slots.
Collective Unconscious Contributions
Rodentia is one of the earliest eidolon/effect proposals since the genesis of Collective Unconscious. One of the few Idea Lounge ideas that made it to the current game, for now.
Climate: Sun
Made to replace the original sun Climate design made by Ayayaya (per request of her). Now with horns!
A girl with "hair" styled as a bob, eyes non visible and with a big, dark, ̶e̶n̶t̶a̶n̶g̶l̶i̶n̶g̶ secret. She's seen in Celestial Platforms and Sunset Woods.
I Will Continue Later
rollaby on Discord.