Here's a list of the authors that will be updating soon:
Original Japanese
- Latest Version: 0.120d
- Official Downloads
- 0.120d
- 0.120d (as a patch for 0.120c)
- GetUploader (zip, one file)
- Note: Rename Chipset to ChipSet and Charset to CharSet.
- GetUploader (zip, one file)
- 0.120d patch 6 (Includes patches 1 - 5)
- Unofficial Mirrors
- 0.119i (all parts compiled):
- 0.119e (as a patch to 0.119d):
- Older versions
- Ether Caverns BGM patch (for prior versions):
- Infinite Stairs map data (replace your file with this if your game's version is either 0.114g, 0.114h, or 0.114i without the succeeding patch):
- Monochrome GB World map data (fix for 0.116):
- Other Older Versions
The unofficial patches and mirrors are recommended for those encountering slow connections, limited data allowance, or incompatibility with respect to file formats (e.g. self-extracting *.exe files).
English Translations
Vezon's Translation
- Latest Version: 0.114
- Downloads
wolfen's Translation
- Latest Version: 0.112b + Patches 1-5 + Ether Caverns BGM patch:
- Downloads
- 0.112b + Patches 1-5 + Ether Caverns BGM patch: Mediafire (7z)
English Menu Patch
- Supported Version: 0.101a
- Downloads
- 0.101a:
- Installation
- Self-extracting: Place self-extracting patch in folder containing RPG_RT files and then run.
- ZIP: Extract files in folder containing RPG_RT, overwriting when prompted.
Spanish Translations
Gatoduende's Translation
Chinese Translations
Drifter's Translation
- Latest Version: 0.118 + Patch 1
- Downloads
- 0.118 + Patch 1:
飛揚寒星 (fcoldstar)'s Translation
- Latest Version: 0.104g
- Downloads
- 0.104g: BowlRoll
EasyRPG Translation Guide
This is a feature for EasyRPG that makes it possible to easily switch languages in-game.
Languages available in addition to Japanese are: English, Spanish, French, Korean, Portuguese-Brazilian, Romanian, Russian, Vietnamese and Chinese
To set it up, follow the steps below:
- Follow the Installation Instructions to install and play Yume 2kki using the EasyRPG
- Go to ynotranslations, click on "Code" then "Donwload ZIP" to download the file ""
- Extract this ZIP file, locate the folder "2kki", copy and paste it in the game folder and rename to "Language"
- Open the game through EasyRPG and on the title screen select "Transtation" or "言語" and then your preferred language.
Submission Guidelines
If you would like to submit a patch or mirror, please use the 7z format. Many other archive formats can cause issues with differing encodings, while 7z enforces Unicode.
Wallpaper Downloads
A set of vectorized wallpapers from Yume 2kki. (1600x1200) (uboachan) Includes computer & dream wallpapers up to version 0.094.
Mediafire Mirrors
Other Non-vectored wallpapers
Thank you for working on Yume 2kki Wiki.