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Full list of She Awaits badges for documentation and usage with badge templates.

Icon Name BP 🌟 Location Description Condition Notes Author Date/Batch
CyclePalace(badgeSA).png Celestial Siblings The sun and moon; an iconic duo, the "Yin Yang of the Galaxy" Visit the Night Palace and the Day Palace sugarbones 2023-11-01
Batch 82
EternalLove(badgeSA).png Eternal Love Flooded Garden "I will follow you to the ends of the earth, and there I will give you a kiss of rebirth." Go on a date with Alesandre in the places where you meet him. Moucky233 2023-10-19
Batch 80
LanternPiers(badgeSA).png Lanterns at Sunset Lantern Piers A soft light on calm water alongside the setting sun Visit the Lantern Piers WikiOdd 2023-10-26
Batch 81
MushroomCaves(badgeSA).png Dimly-lit Fungi Mushroom Cave Visit the Mushroom Cave. miau 2023-10-19
Batch 80

Amber Petals Pentacle Field What's hidden under this vast serenity? Uncover and use the hidden pentacle in Pentacle Field Theero 2023-10-26
Batch 81
MagicianRoom(badgeSA).png Magician’s Hideout Magician's Room Enter the Magician’s Room. akalog 2023-10-19
Batch 80
LoversConfessional(badgeSA).png Lover's Confessional Chapel: Confessional May you be cleansed of your sins... Trigger the Confessional event in the Chapel with the Lovers card. miau 2023-10-19
Batch 80
ChapelStatue(badgeSA).png Hallowed Icon Chapel A preserved statue in front of stained windows, venerated by many. See the statue in the Chapel's teleport maze. akalog 2023-10-19
Batch 80

Devil's Call in Your Heart Rave Hall The night has just begun. Terrify the partygoers in the Rave Hall with the Devil card. This badge shares its name with a song from the 1998 racing game F-Zero X. Lester Vine 2023-10-19
Batch 80

Heavenly Cascade Ethereal Plane: Waterfall A view of the calming cascades of the ethereal realm's waters. Visit and take a close look at the waterfalls of the Ethereal Plane. Lester Vine & Moucky233 2023-10-19
Batch 80
RooftopLovers(badgeSA).png Stained Glass Rave Pin Rave Hall Snatch a kiss from Alesandre in the Rave Hall's rooftop. miau 2023-10-19
Batch 80
AnatomicalDesert(badgeSA).png Fallen Paradise Anatomical Desert Visit Anatomical Desert dabe 2023-11-01
Batch 82