This property consists of a record that contains a path to the BGM, its title, and an optional label.
Its fields are defined as: BGM/Title, Has media path, BGM/Audio, BGM/Label, BGM/Soundroom, BGM/Speed, BGM/Author
oudn-05 (, Oudn-05slow50.ogg, ?, 0180B, 50, ?) +, RIMA-bgm-elepi002 (, RIMA-bgm-elepi002slow70.ogg, Presentation room, 0258C, 70, ?) +, spelude-14 (, Spelude-14.ogg, Guardians' lairs, None, 80, ?) +
bath_nolan_brewer_tanajura ( bath nolan brewer tanajura 100.ogg, Cu bath nolan brewer tanajura 100.ogg, ?, 0244, ?, bathynomus, Nolan Brewer) +
ループ「機械音」By音師竹内 (ループ「機械音」By音師竹内(104B).ogg, ループ「機械音」By音師竹内(104B).ogg, Emergency Exit, 0104B, 60, ?) +, synapse (, Synapse(673C).ogg, ?, 0673C, 90, ?) +, n3-LI (, N3-LIslow60.ogg, Footprint Path, 0173G, 60, ?) +, …
orchidmantis_abyssal_hallways2 ( orchidmantis abyssal hallways2 80.ogg, Cu orchidmantis abyssal hallways2 80.ogg, Interior, 0210-1, 80, orchidmantis) +
MAMBAspacey2 ( MAMBAspacey2 100.ogg, Cu MAMBAspacey2 100.ogg, ?, 0316, 100, BlackMamba) +
7. 2am alone - Negatic ( 2am alone - Negatic(728B).ogg, 7. 2am alone - Negatic(728B).ogg, ?, 0728B, 90, ?) +, kappa_06 ( 06(427F).ogg, Kappa 06(427F).ogg, Monochrome Corridors, 0427F, 90, ?) +, oneirokamara_stilloverthere_[4L] ( stilloverthere (4L).ogg, Oneirokamara stilloverthere (4L).ogg, Elevator, 0999, 100, ?) +, …
music14 (, Music14.ogg, ?, 0566, 100, ?) +, n3-LI (, N3-LI.ogg, Sceneries, 0173D, 80, n3) +
guha_ascend ( guha ascend 80.ogg, Cu guha ascend 80.ogg, Phase 7, 0347, 80, GuhaDeen) +, guha_radio ( guha radio 80.ogg, Cu guha radio 80.ogg, Phase 8, 0348, 80, GuhaDeen) +, guha_g ( guha g 100.ogg, Cu guha g 100.ogg, Phase 9, 0349, 100, GuhaDeen) +, …
e37 (, E37.ogg, Distorted, 0468A, 110, ?) +, 2i9_mus_shoalhouse1 ( mus shoalhouse.ogg, 2i9 mus shoalhouse.ogg, ?, 0467, 100, ?) +, 2kki bgm 06 ( bgm 06 monsterroom.ogg, 2kki bgm 06 monsterroom.ogg, Monster's room, 0502B, 60, ?) +, …
bgm-o 2 ( Domain (bgm-o 2).ogg, Alazan Domain (bgm-o 2).ogg, ?, 0138D, 60, ?) +
drm_kan_ge_machi01 ( kan ge machi01(242B).ogg, Drm kan ge machi01(242B).ogg, ?, 0242B, 100, ?) +
gummy-sleepdeprived2 (, Gummy-sleepdeprived2-70%.ogg, ?, None, ?, ?) +
sound3h (, Sound3h.ogg, Hadean Path, 0419A, 140, ?) +, ループ「青光」By音師竹内 (ループ「青光」By音師竹内(102F).ogg, ループ「青光」By音師竹内(102F).ogg, ?, 0102F, 70, Otoshi Takeuchi) +
EBroxas-Eye-forest-Remix (, EBroxas-Eye-forest-Remix.ogg, Before Turtle Hole event, None, ?, ?) +, EBroxas-Eye-forest-Remix (, EBroxas-Eye-forest-Remix2.ogg, During Turtle Hole event, None, ?, ?) +, Ebroxas-forest-scary-slow2 (, Ebroxas-forest-scary-slow2.ogg, Turtle Hole event: Falling down, None, ?, ?) +, …
maple-clicking ( maple-clicking 60.ogg, CU maple-clicking 60.ogg, ?, 0017, 60, maple) +, maple-clicking ( maple-clicking 80.ogg, CU maple-clicking 80.ogg, Alloy Path, 0017-1, 80, maple) +
fd-01121 ( 150.ogg, Fd-0112 150.ogg, Tower, None, ?, ?) +, FD-crystale ( 100.ogg, Fd-crystale 100.ogg, Strange Giants, None, ?, ?) +
A9 ( 21 - A9 50.ogg, Someday 21 - A9 50.ogg, Main area, 0021, 50, ?) +, A9 ( 21 - A9 90.ogg, Someday 21 - A9 90.ogg, Letter Path, 0021, 90, ?) +
spelude-namima (, Spelude-namima.ogg, ?, 0851, 90, ?) +
orchidmantis_tailspin_reverb ( orchidmantis tailspin reverb 100.ogg, Cu orchidmantis tailspin reverb 100.ogg, Tunnel + Entrance, 0086, 100, orchidmantis) +, orchidmantis_alteredplains ( orchidmantis alteredplains 100.ogg, Cu orchidmantis alteredplains 100.ogg, ?, 0086-2, 100, orchidmantis) +