This property consists of a record that contains a path to the BGM, its title, and an optional label.
Its fields are defined as: BGM/Title, Has media path, BGM/Audio, BGM/Label, BGM/Soundroom, BGM/Speed, BGM/Author
orchidmantis_townie ( orchidmantis townie 100.ogg, Cu orchidmantis townie 100.ogg, ?, 0148, 100, orchidmantis) +, orchidmantis_townie ( orchidmantis townie 100.ogg, Cu orchidmantis townie 100.ogg, Entrance, 0148-1, 100, orchidmantis) +, orchidmantis_townie ( orchidmantis townie 100.ogg, Cu orchidmantis townie 100.ogg, Interior, 0148-2, 100, orchidmantis) +, …
n3-BoM (, N3-BoM(166B).ogg, Bar, 0166B, 120, ?) +, yumepo10 (, Yumepo10(402).ogg, ?, 0402, 60, ?) +
bgm-r melo ( melo slow.ogg, Bgm-r melo slow.ogg, ?, 0135C, 70, ?) +
Cave (, Cave(243C).ogg, ?, 0243B, 50, ?) +, sound4a (, Sound4a(318B).ogg, Party with Firehead, 0318B, 100, ?) +
bgm011 ( Garden).ogg, Bgm011(Ruined Garden).ogg, ?, 0260J, 70, Author Unknown) +
GM010ダーク耳鳴り (ダーク耳鳴り slow.mp3, BGM010ダーク耳鳴り slow.mp3, ?, None, ?, ?) +
Color2 (, Color2.ogg, Main Area, 0019C, 100, ?) +, first_time_Tatsuspam ( time Tatsuspam.ogg, First time Tatsuspam.ogg, Checkered Corridors, 0891A, 100, ?) +, Tatsuspam_walking_in_the_park ( walking in the park.ogg, Tatsuspam walking in the park.ogg, Tilescape, 0894A, 100, ?) +, …
qs0UrDFJ-bgm041 ( fastest.ogg, Qs0UrDFJ-bgm041 fastest.ogg, ?, 0043B,0043D, 150, ?) +, ym2-20-chiukoushin (, Ym2-20-chiukoushin.ogg, Wrecked House, 0073, 70, ?) +, dedp_qs0UrDFJ_bgm_081 ( qs0UrDFJ bgm 081.ogg, Dedp qs0UrDFJ bgm 081.ogg, Multicolored splatter, 0058A, 100, qs0UrDFJ) +
Art ( 38 - Art 50.ogg, Someday 38 - Art 50.ogg, ?, 0038, 50, ?) +, In the Fog ( 42 - In The Fog 60.ogg, Someday 42 - In The Fog 60.ogg, Oblivion, 0042, 60, ?) +
millieamp_cardiac ( millieamp cardiac 90.ogg, Cu millieamp cardiac 90.ogg, ?, 0061, ?, MillieAmp) +, polluted_city_world_melody ( polluted city world melody 50.ogg, Cu polluted city world melody 50.ogg, The Eye, 0074, ?, AriaL) +
svr_Hope ( svr Hope 150.ogg, Y2 svr Hope 150.ogg, ?, 0924B, 150, svr) +
Unforgiving Himalayas ( Dreams OST Ashy Desert.ogg, Deep Dreams OST Ashy Desert.ogg, ?, None, ?, ?) +
Awind - Asphalt ( Awind - Asphalt 100.ogg, Y2 Awind - Asphalt 100.ogg, Eletromagnetic Impulse Room, 1082, 100, AcceleratingWind) +, joo_untitled2 ( joo untitled2 50.ogg, Y2 joo untitled2 50.ogg, ?, 1123, 50, Joo) +
oto_28 ( 28.wav, Oto 28.wav, Main area, None, ?, ?) +, oto_29 ( 29.wav, Oto 29.wav, Monochrome Pixel Room, None, ?, ?) +
QMark-AstrallSky (, QMark-AstrallSky60%.ogg, ?, None, ?, ?) +