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Yume 2kki:Soundtrack/001-100

< Yume 2kki:Soundtrack
Revision as of 07:28, 28 October 2022 by Oh0kaYthen86 (talk | contribs) (added track 087 G)
1 to 100 101 to 200 201 to 300 301 to 400 401 to 500 Misc.
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001 A ym2-00_ano deskwork Title Screen Listen
001 B qs0UrDFJ-title Oni Musume's Room Listen
001 C Black Building Listen Played faster than 001 B.
001 D qs0UrDFJ-title_Rv Sofa Room Listen Slowest version of this track.
002 A OP曲「ゆめ2っき」By音師竹内 Intro Listen Translates to "OP Music 'Yume 2kki' By Otoshi Takeuchi".
002 B Ending #2
002 C VANEGI_3je_reMIX03 Ending #-1 Listen
002 D VANEGI_3je_reMIX04 Computer Piano theme Listen Unlocked after watching Ending #-1.
003 A yumeorugo_arr2 Computer Default theme Listen Translates to "Dream Music Box Arrange 2".
003 B Ending #1
003 C Bleak Future Listen Background image
Slower than 003 A and B.
003 D 夢オルゴールFC Computer FC theme Listen Background image
Translates to "Dream Music Box FC".
003 E PC_音源差し替え Ending --- Listen Translates to "PC_Sound Replacement".
003 F CAI06VPX Ending ... Listen
004 A 626-ryukyu Geometry World Listen
004 B Twintails Room Listen Played slower than 004 A.
004 C Dark Nexus
005 A 626-seagull White Beach Listen
005 B Realistic Beach Near an entrance from Forlorn Beach House.
005 C Next to where 005B is unlocked. C is played slightly louder ingame.
005 D Near an entrance from The Reef.
005 E The Reef
005 F Scorched Wasteland Listen Slowest version of BGM 005.
005 G Colorless Pier Listen
006 A yumepo6 Sakura Path Listen Played slightly louder than 006 B.
006 B Forest World
006 C Jumbotron Hub Listen
007 A 932-warm Marijuana Goddess World Listen
007 B Candy Cane Fields Listen Slower than 007 A.
008 A 626-tb303 Marijuana Goddess World (Buddha Rave) Listen
008 B The Underground Bar Listen Slower than 008 A.
008 C Spaceship (Bar) Listen Slower than 008 A.
009 803-1 Snowy Pipe Organ Listen
010 A 903-suna001 The Sewers Listen Translates to "sand".
010 B The Monster's Jaw
010 C Rough Ash World
010 D Stone World Listen Played faster than track 010F.
010 E Forgotten Megalopolis: Exit Path Listen Played faster than track 010D.
010 F Silent Sewers: Entrance from Urotsuki's Dream Apartments Listen Slowest version of BGM 010.
011 A base Monochrome Feudal Japan: Entrance Listen
011 B Monochrome Street
012 A 2_21 Shield Owl World Listen
012 B Chess World (Throne Room) Listen
013 A yumepo3 Crocodile Dog Party Listen Background image shows 3 green monsters from Garden World.
013 B Laundromat (Shrimp room)
013 C Decrepit Village (Party House) Listen
014 A bgm038 Atlantis Listen Played 50% slower than the original track.
014 B The Hand Hub Listen
014 C Digital Hand Hub Listen Played 50% faster than the original track.
014 D Floral Crossroads Listen
015 A bgm052 Garden World : Night time Listen
015 B Garden World : Day time
016 A bgm055 Hospital Outskirts Listen
016 B Vomiting Mark Festival
016 C Monkey Mansion's Veranda Listen Background image
Played slighty faster than 016 A&B.
017 A yumepo1 Highway Listen
017 B Highway : large intersectioned area Listen Played faster than the original track.
018 By音師竹内_626-ryukyu-sasikae Red City Listen Translates to "By Otoshi Takeuchi _ 626-ryukyu Replacement".
019 A Color Japan Town Listen Background image shows Urotsuki wandering around Japan Town.
019 B Haunted Forest Town: Spirit Mansion Exterior Listen
020 dedp_12 The Bosun Freaked Concrete World B Listen
021 A dedp_63 To Blip Space Listen
021 B Space: The lunar playground
022 A 626-india Forest World : Underground Listen Slowest version of BGM 022.
022 B Tribe Settlement Listen Played faster than 022 C.
022 C The Konami Room Listen
022 D Blood Chamber Listen
022 E Mole Mine Listen
023 yumenikkig_uljp00129 no name 2- 169 Tapir-San's Place Listen
024 A yumenikkig_uljp00128 Maiden Outlook Listen Slowest version of BGM 024.
024 B Riverside Settlement Listen
024 C Daily Toy Box (Fire Room) Listen Played slower than 024 B.
025 dedp_e3 Museum Listen
026 ym2-19_kuruwasiimonohahaieguru Graveyard World Listen Translates to "ym2-19-Maddening things are crawling and scooping".
027 A uti-a2 Bug Maze Jukebox Listen Translates to "inside".
027 B uti-b Listen
027 C uti-c Listen
027 D uti-a2 Integer World Listen
028 ループ「深海」By音師竹内 Between Flooded Baths and Atlantis Listen Translates to "Loop "Deep Sea" by Otoshi Takeuchi".
029 A 2_2 Shield Owl World : Monochrome Staircase Listen
029 B Hollows Listen
030 tom Odorika's Dance Listen


031 A heart beat Valentine Land Listen
031 B Mother's Room Listen Played slower than 031 A.
032 hi Theatre World Listen Played with fluctuating tempo ingame.
033 A tm2_bird002 Apartments : Balconies Listen
033 B Verdant Promenade Listen
034 A soto-C8 The Hotel Listen Translates to "outside".
034 B The Hotel: Entrance Listen Slowest version of BGM 034.
034 C Halloween Forest Listen Played slower than 034 A.
035 A loda_Music_01 Shinto Shrine : External area Listen
035 B Shinto Shrine
036 loda_Music_02 The Circus Listen
037 A loda_Music_03 Namakubi Path Listen Played faster than 037 C.
037 B The Docks Listen Slowest version of BGM 037.
037 C River Road Listen
037 D Viridian Wetlands Listen
037 E Decrepit Village (Interiors) Listen It has the same speed as 037A, but the volume is slightly lower.
038 A Merrygo Toy World Listen
038 B Toy World (Small Urotsuki) Listen Played slower than BGM 038 A.


Toy World (Extra-small Urotsuki) Listen Slowest version of BGM 038.
039 oudn-02 Scenic Outlook Listen
040 A qs0UrDFJ-bgm054 Chocolate World Listen Background image shows a rabbit girl eating chocolate.
040 B Heart Room Listen
040 C ↑V↑ (School) Listen Unlocked after beating the ↑V↑ minigame.
041 A qs0UrDFJ-bgm060 Blue Forest Listen
041 B Heian Era Village Listen Played slower than 041 A.
042 A qs0UrDFJ-bgm007 Eyeball Ladder Listen
042 B ↑V↑ Listen Played slower than 042 A. Unlocked after beating the ↑V↑ minigame.
042 C Teddy Bear Land
042 D Sewers (Staircase Trap) Listen Unlocked by getting caught by a Shadow Lady in Floating Red Tiles World.
043 A qs0UrDFJ-bgm041 Dark Room Listen Played slower than 043 B.
043 B Art Gallery Listen
043 C Fairy Tale Woods : Grandma's House Listen Played faster than 043 A.
043 D Art Gallery: Passage to Dream Park Listen Quieter than 043 A.
044 A qs0UrDFJ-bgm047 The Underground Bar: Drunken Urotsuki Listen Background image
044 B The Underground Bar: Even more drunken Urotsuki Listen Background image
Played faster than 044 A.
044 C Wilderness Listen Played slower than 044 A. (Unlocked when you either change the plant state to yellow or enter this area from the Hourglass Desert.)
045 A 152-organ33 Console Menu Listen
045 B Pudding World Listen Played slower than 045 A.
046 A zaza The Nexus Listen
046 B Stone Maze
047 ym2-02_chii gensyou Library, Word World Listen
048 A rec2 Sign World Listen
048 B Sign World : Sign path Listen Played faster than 048 A, C and D.
048 C Sign World : Second layout Listen
048 D Tesla Garden: Hospital Room
048 E Finger Maze Listen Played slower than 048 E.
049 Oudn-06 Bug Effect Room Listen
050 A piano1 Elvis Masada Interaction Listen
050 B piano2 Scared Elvis Masada Listen
050 C trom_piano Duet with Elvis Masada Listen


051 A 2_18 Shield Owl World (Purple Pillars) Listen
051 B Graffiti Corridor Listen
051 C Foliage Estate Listen
051 D Submerged Communications Area Listen
052 A kura_title Penguin Game (title screen) Listen
052 B Scorched Wasteland (Gamer's Room)
053 A oudn-07 Sky Kingdom Listen
053 B Sky Kingdom - Elevator Listen Played slower than BGM 053 A.
054 A dedp_qs0UrDFJ_bgm077 Graffiti Maze (Tree) Listen
054 B Plated Snow Country Listen Played slower than BGM 054 A.
054 C Monochrome Mansion: Monochrome Fields Listen
055 A dedp_qs0UrDFJ_bgm076 Concrete World A Listen
055 B Realistic Beach stairs
055 C Flying Fish World (Smile-san's Room)
055 D Indoors section between Vintage Town and Decrepit Dwellings Listen Slowest version of BGM 055.
056 A dedp_qs0UrDFJ_bgm082 Dream Scene mountains Listen
056 B Sunken City (Dark Passage)
056 C Ocean Floor: Near the submarine Listen Slowest version of BGM 056.
056 D Snowy Village (Uninhabited house) Listen
056 E Snowy Village (Menu theme house)
056 F Frozen Woods Listen
057 A 7-9 Elvis Masada's House Listen A now unused ghost sprite will be displayed.
057 B Poker Zone Listen Played faster than BGM 057A.
058 A dedp_qs0UrDFJ_bgm081 Graffiti Painting Listen
058 B Graffiti Maze
058 C Despair Road Listen
058 D Stone Towers Listen Played slower than 058 C.
058 E Vintage Town Listen Slowest version of BGM 058.
058 F Rusty Urban Complex (Inner section) Listen
059 dedp_bgm-orgel002 Pink Tanuki Road Listen
060 A bgm9 Skull Entrance Listen
060 B Overgrown Condominium: Interior Listen Played slower than 060 A.
061 ループ「空中飛行」By音師竹内※ほうき・乗り物等のエフェクト時 Flying Event Listen Translates to "Effect during the 'air flight' loop by Otoshi Takeuchi ※broom, vehicle, etc."
062 A kikai004 Hospital (Aoshiru's room) Listen Translates to "machine004".
062 B Onyx Tile World Listen Slowest version of BGM 062.
062 C Guts World Listen Played slower than 062 A.
062 D Guts World: Gray building Listen Played slower than 062 A. Background image is a room of the Gray Building in the Guts World. As of 0.105, it can be unlocked when you've entered Purple World at least once, even without visiting the Gray Building.
063 tiriri Simple Street Listen
064 A dedp_ann Eyeball Shop Listen
064 B Spaceship (Clothing Shop) Listen
065 A dedp_932氏スクラップ ↑V↑ - Chase section Listen Translates to "dedp & 932's scrap."

Unlocked by beating the ↑V↑ minigame.

065 B Urotsuki's Dream Apartments (monster party event)
066 A bgm075 Forest World (Shadow Women Forest) Listen
066 B Pink Tanuki Road - Scrolling
066 C Bleak Future - Beginning Listen
066 D Mask Folks Hideout Listen
067 yumepo8 TV Room Listen
068 A soto-C5 Glasses path Listen Translates to "outside".
068 B Monkey Mansion - Basement Listen Played slower than 068 A.
068 C Desolate Park Listen
069 otoshitakeuti-ankoku Big Eye Tree Listen Translates to "Otoshi Takeuchi - Darkness"
070 A error Mini Maze Listen
070 B Spaceship (Entrance)
070 C Toxic Sea (Labs)
071 A x-air-Chukka Library: book txt bekurotu Listen
071 B Library: book txt syousou Listen
072 A Newitorikawamakkusu Mask Shop Listen
072 B Mask Shop: Rear entrance Listen Played slower than 072 A.
072 C Twilight Park: Pub Listen Played at normal speed.
073 ym2-20-chiukoushin Art Gallery (Wrecked house painting) Listen
074 A pipoq Graveyard World (Sculpture Room) Listen Played slower than 074 B.
074 B Graveyard World (Sculpture Room Chase scene) Listen
074 C Graveyard World (Path to Dream Park) Listen Slower and quieter than 074 B.
075 7 Penguin Game Listen
076 dine Day and Night Towers Listen
077 bgm-a Spelling Room Listen
078 A bgm-c bass Bowling Alley Listen
078 B bgm-c Bowling World Listen
078 C Saturated Eyeball Zone Listen Played slower than 078 B.
079 oudn-08 Forlorn Beach House Listen
080 A bgm-d Visine World (Maze Area) Listen
080 B Spelling Room hole Listen Played faster than BGM 080 A.


Tricolor Passage Listen Played faster than BGM 080 A and B.
080 D Garden of Treachery: Visine Corridor Listen


081 A bgm-g Apartments Listen
081 B Dressing Room Listen Played slower than 081 A.
081 C Liquour Bottle Area Listen Played louder than 081 A and B.
082 A bgm-i Underwater Amusement Park Listen
082 B Underwater Amusement Park: Entrance from Train Tracks Listen Played slower than 082 A.
082 C bgm-i_w Underwater Amusement Park (Lonely Urotsuki Event) Listen
082 D Mangrove Forest Listen Played slower than 082 C.
083 oudn-09 Forlorn Beach House (Shadow on the ground) Listen
084 A bgm-l Underwater Amusement Park (Inner Rooms) Listen
084 B Tesla Garden: Building Rooftop Listen
085 A e4 Red Brick Maze Listen
085 B e4b Listen
085 C e4 Daily Toy Box (Moon room) Listen Played slower than 085 A.
085 D e4b Dream Park (Unknown) Listen Unlocked by visiting the southern section of the Dream Park
086 A e5 Kura Puzzle Game (Puzzle completion) Listen
086 B The Ash Settlement: Ash Field Listen Played slower than 086 A.
087 A kousyo Apartments (Bane Jack hallways) Listen Translates to "High place".
087 B Construction Frame Building Listen Played slower than 087 E.
087 C Dark Alleys Listen Slowest renditions of BGM 087. Track 087 D also plays louder.
087 D Polluted Swamp (Misty island)
087 E Apartments (Path to Dream Park) Listen Played slower than 087 A.
087 F Viridescent Temple (Entrance) Listen
087 G Dusty Pinwheel Path Listen
088 A gyoushi_Anon Buried City Listen Translates to "Stare_Anon". Slowest version of BGM 088.
088 B Red Road Listen
088 C Container Forest Listen Played slower than 088 B.
089 oudn-01 Bug Maze Listen
090 oudn-03 Apartments interior Listen
091 A oudn-04 Zebra Crossing Listen
091 B Forlorn Beach House: Entrance Listen Played slower than 091 B.
092 oudn-noisy Apartments: White Drooling Creature Event Listen
093 oudn-noisy2 Apartments: Bane Jack's workshop Listen
094 A Yeris_Electronic_Sea Binary World (Blue Area) Listen
094 B Binary World (Green Area) Listen
095 ym2-18_nounai_matusyou Library: book txt 草 1 Listen Translates to "ym2-18_Intracranial Erasure".
096 A tm Nail World Listen
096 B Japan Town: Heishi-kun's Alley Listen Played slower than 096 A.
096 C Monochromatic Abyss Listen
097 A wa Monochrome Feudal Japan: Gakuran's Island Listen
097 B Maple Shrine
098 A kana08 The Invisible Maze Listen
098 B Cutlery World Listen Played slower than 098 A.
098 C Panel Passage Listen Slowest version of BGM 098.
098 D Frozen Cavern Listen Slower than 098 A, but faster than 098 B.
098 E Golden Pyramid Path Listen Played slightly louder than 098 A.
099 A yume b2 Blood World Listen
099 B Visine World
100 ライト Warhol Smilies/Pink TVs Area Listen Translates to "Light".