The unlock conditions for a connection, represented as text.
Visit the Car at least once +
Use the Glasses effect to get from Red Lily Lake to the Butterfly Forest +
Steal the Diamond memory by entering Chicago through the Swimming Pool. +
Steal the Diamond memory by entering Chicago through the Swimming Pool. +
Obtain the Cake effect and enter Dream Park's central section at least once. +
Pee against the Wall Spot in Japan Town by Using Boy Effect. +
Obtain the Teru Teru Bōzu effect and enter Dream Park's central section at least once. +
Enter Container Forest at least once. +
Urotsuki had Slept 31 Times or Higher +
Text events are disabled. +
Refer to the Chaos World page for the conditions. +
Text events are enabled. +
Visit the Candlelit Factory at least once +
Requires certain masks to be equipped +
Enable text events from the PC. +
Enter the cone houses and interact with the NPCs in Abyssal Garden and Illusive Forest once. +
Enter Evergreen Woods at least once +
Conditions left secret. +
See Innocent Dream's page for conditions. Penguin is required to unlock the connection only. +
One-way until the player goes from Red Lily Lake to Candy World at least once. +