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Music Room as of version 0.08. White logo means that all variants have been unlocked, white outline shows that some are still missing.
The music player in version 0.02 and 0.03. Artists and songs displayed in grey shows that they haven't been found in-game.

This page is a list of Uneven Dream's soundtrack in the current and previous versions of the game. As the game is under development the track listing and the songs vary between versions. The soundtrack of the most recent version is shown first organized by their sound room ID, followed by removed or changed songs from the older versions.

In Ver. 0.02, the version in which the Boombox for Kubotsuki and Music Box for Totsutsuki were added, their special functions used to let the player access a music player as both characters. The songs were organized by artist and different images accompanied the songs in the bottom part, although some songs didn't have images. This was moved to the protagonists' computers in Ver 0.03 due to the occasional bugs it caused and then fully removed in Ver 0.04 but later reintroduced in Ver. 0.08 with a more polished version.

A brand new Music Room was added in Ver. 0.08, accessible from the protagonists’ computers. It features the ability to unlock the game's full OST by exploring the game, viewing how many tracks and variations the player has unlocked, and they can now set any unlocked track as the game's save theme. Different tracks have unique backgrounds giving a visual clue of where the track plays in-game.

This page is pretty much complete as of 0.08, but it might be missing a few tracks. If you're interested in contributing, look below for the page-specific style guide.

  • If the track is a few seconds long, loop it as close to exactly a minute as possible.
  • If it's closer to a minute-long song, repeat it only once.
  • If it's a full song like "fd-save", leave it as-is.
  • All files are required to be in the .ogg format in order to save space.
  • Files are stored in the format of (filename) (speed); for example, QMark-BGMWhat 50
  • A full list of every track is bundled with the game in the Documents folder - please refer to it if you have any doubts.

Regular BGM


No. Track Filename Location/Event Speed Music
001A fd-title Title Screen 100% Listen
001B Hat Park (X-ray Room) 60% Listen
002A fd-safe Intro 80% Listen
002B Tranquil Bathhouse 50% Listen
003A fd-save Computer 100% Listen
003B maple-save-musicbox Computer (Music Box)
Unlocked after inputting the secret code shown
in the background of 003A with Music Room tracks.
Secret code: 7, 27, 20, 15
100% N/A
004A 080412_051514_d50 Totsutsuki's Room 70% N/A
004B Mutant Sunflower World (Starting Spot) 90% N/A
005A 120619_182608 Totsutsuki's Room 100% N/A
005B Aquamarine Harbor (Entrance) 100% N/A
005C Cliffside Temple 60% N/A
006A 070916_xxxx27_R09 Totsutsuki's Room 70% N/A
006B Cliffside Temple (Colored) 50% N/A
007A fd-crystale Totsutsuki's Nexus 130% Listen
007B Alphabet Tower (Giants Room) 100% Listen
007C Cliffside Temple (Blue and White) 50% Listen
008A fd-karasfield Kubotsuki's Room (Balcony) 110% Listen
008B Turbine Facility (Fan Room) 50% N/A
008C Forsaken Cliff (Main Area) 80% N/A
008D Forsaken Cliff (Tower) 150% N/A
008E Corroded Dream (Building) 70% N/A
009 fd-sleep Kubotsuki's Dream Room 50% Listen
010A olmmusic1 Broken World 100% Listen
010B Deranged Faces Zone (Therapy Event) 60% N/A
011A olmmusic_cavenormal Broken World (Cave) 50% Listen
011B olmmusic_cavecorrupt 50% Listen
012A Question Mark - Death Lullaby Sandy Showroom 50% Listen
012B Question Mark - Death Lullabyreversed Sandy Showroom (The Guts) 50% Listen
012C Concrete Treehouse (Neon Arcade) 150% Listen
013 170515__devlab__forest-ambient-01-loop Butterfly Forest 80% N/A
O14A Question Mark - Way of the Mime 1 50% Listen
014B Butterfly Forest (Mime Path) 100% Listen
014C Question Mark - Way of the Mime 2 100% Listen
014D Question Mark - Way of the Mime 1 Grayscale Gardenscape (Inside) 70% Listen
015 Question Mark - Cold Ancient Cosmic Metal Chord Metal Mounds 50% Listen
016A fd-broken1 Metal Mounds (Flesh Trees Event) 50% Listen
016B Galleta World (Trixie's House Event) 150% N/A
017 OutlanderS3S-Rolling Waves Twilight Garden 100% Listen
018A OutlanderS3S-trickle1 Clash of Mutated Forms (Main Area) 100% Listen
018B OutlanderS3S-trickle2 Clash of Mutated Forms (Caves) 100% Listen
019 Milica_BGM1 Tanunjon 100% Listen
020A Milica_BGM4 Tanunjon (Lake Room) 100% Listen
020B Subconscious Garden 50% Listen
021A Question Mark - Dirty Cyan and Bloody Red Windmill Lake 80% Listen
021B Windmill Lake (Bridge) 50% Listen
021C Grayscale Gardenscape (Deer Head Room) 50%
021D Concrete Treehouse (To Arcade) 110% N/A
022 fd-296-04 Lantern Alley 100% Listen
023 fd-296-02 Lantern Alley (Lonely Subway) 70% Listen
024A Question Mark - Way of the Dreamy Mime Lantern Alley (Lonely Subway TV) 100% N/A
024B Beige Box Factory (Upside Down) 150% Listen
024C Subconscious Garden (Entrance) 110% Listen
024D Grayscale Gardenscape (Drinking Red) 50% N/A
024E Puppet Theater (Above Stage) 60% N/A
025A Milica_BGM2 Tanunjon (TNEF) 100% Listen
025B Milica_BGM2-Backbeat Tanunjon (Before TNEF) 70% N/A
025C 100% N/A
025D Hotel 60% Listen
026A FD-neonpark1 Surreal Park 80% Listen
026B FD-neonpark2 Surreal Park (Eye Maze) 60% Listen
027 Nexus-craziness Clownpieces 100% Listen
028A Question Mark - Fabricamento Lonely Alley 60% Listen
028B Beige Box Factory 50% Listen
028C Concrete Treehouse (Outside)
029A Question Mark - Estrada Cube Road 60% Listen
029B 100% N/A
029C 70% N/A
029D Underwater Subway 50% Listen
030 Question Mark - 78 Skidoo Cube Road (78 Skidoo Event) 100% Listen


No. Track Filename Location/Event Speed Music
031 FD-errorsine Surreal Park (Cinema Cliff) 120% Listen
032A fd-sepiaL Surreal Park (Cinema Cliff, after getting Fast Forward Effect) 70% Listen
032B fd-sepia Uranium Glass Warehouse (Outside, Inside after ringing bell) 90% N/A
033 Jojogape - Light Breeze Breezy Plains 70% Listen
034 Jojogape - Oil Paint Sky Paint Sky 100% Listen
035A Nexus-bgm013 Violet Caves (Panorama) 50% Listen
035B Star Field (Malice's House) 70% Listen
036A Nexus-bgm013-1 Violet Caves (Inside) 50% Listen
036B Star Field (Sky Path) 120% Listen
037A Jojogape - Sea of Static Sea of Static 100% Listen
037B Sea of Static (Lighthouse) 80% Listen
038A Jojogape - Acid Waves 2 Toxic Waste Plant 90% Listen
038B Jojogape - Acid Waves 2 back Toxic Waste Plant (El Bebe's Room) 60% Listen
039 EBroxas-Starfields Star Field 80% Listen
040A Nexus-bgm007 Plant Laboratory 60% N/A
040B Plant Laboratory (Sunflower Room) 50% N/A
041 Nexus-bgm005 Lamppost World 60% Listen
042 EBroxas72-Ominus Lamppost World (Constellation Path) 80% Listen
043A Question Mark - cerebisected Grayscale Gardenscape (Outside) 100% Listen
043B Grayscale Gardenscape (Mr. Miserable) 50% Listen
044A QMark-BGMWhat Grayscale Gardenscape (Sunken Church) 70% Listen
044B Turbine Facility 50% Listen
044C Concrete Treehouse (Arcade) 100% Listen
045A QMark-PaleLavenderColored Turbine Facility (Car Room) 100% Listen
045B Galleta World (Trixie's House, Dark) 90% N/A
046A QMark-PaleLavenderScented Turbine Facility (Kite Room) 100% Listen
046B Galleta World (Trixie's House) 90% Listen
046C Lightbulb World (Appleworm Event) 150% N/A
047 001247xFD-00 Galleta World 130% Listen
048A fd-0112 Neon Park 60% Listen
048B Starlit Road (Geschäft) 50% Listen
048C Alphabet Tower 150% Listen
048D Balloon Festival 70% N/A
049 Nexus-bgm006 Sea 60% Listen
050A Nexus-bgm020a Sea (Mermaid Mansion) 100% Listen
050B Sprout Desert 90% Listen
050C Sprout Desert (Entrance) 70% Listen
051 Nexus-bgm020 Sea (Mermaid Effect Room) 90% Listen
052A fd-10002 Starlit Road 60% Listen
052B Starlit Road (Outlook) 80% Listen
053 Ebroxas-back Starlit Road (Behind Geschäft) 90% Listen
054A Milica_BGM6 PC98 World (Hallway) 90% Listen
054B Abandoned Shopping Mall (Stores) 50% N/A
055A Milica_BGM3 PC98 World (Neighborhood) 70% Listen
055B Bumblebee Lounge (Stairs) 70% Listen
055C Bumblebee Lounge (Laboratory) 90% N/A
056 1247-YM2612-001 PC98 World (Japanese Castle) 90% Listen
057A Nexus-bgm021a Crystal Caves (Ladder to Malice's House) 80% N/A
057B Duck World 70% Listen
057C Duck World (Hallway) 50% N/A
058 TK-1-CrystallineDream Crystal Caves 90% Listen
059 Nexus-bgm014 Crystal Caves (Star Lake) 80% Listen
060A EBroxas-Snowy-town Winter Village (Forest) 50% Listen
060B Winter Village (Town) 70% Listen


No. Track Filename Location/Event Speed Music
061 Ebroxas-NPC song Winter Village (Villagers' Song Event) 50% Listen
062A EBroxas-Snow-inside Winter Village (Inside Most Houses) 60% Listen
062B EBroxas72-Snow1 Cabin 60% Listen
062C EBroxas72-Snow2 Cabin (Inside Mouse Hole) 60% Listen
063A EBroxas72-Waltz Winter Village (Waltz Party Room) 150% Listen
063B Winter Village (One-off Room) 70% Listen
064 EBroxas-clock Winter Village (Clock Room) 100% Listen
065A 400862_bobv2_film-01 Winter Village (Projector Room) 100% N/A
065B Puppet Theater (Backstage) 50% N/A
066A EBroxas72-Horse Winter Village (To Monochrome Void) 100% Listen
066B Winter Village (To Monochrome Void 2) 150% Listen
067 EBroxas72-church Ice Chapel 80% Listen
068 1247-mystical Ice Chapel (Ice Cave) 100% Listen
069 EBroxas-Churche Ice Chapel (The Disciples' Room) 50% Listen
070 EBroxas-forest_normal All-Seeing Forest 100% Listen
071 EBroxas-Cliffs All-Seeing Forest (Triste) 100% Listen
072A EBroxas-Eye-forest-Remix All-Seeing Forest (DUDES) 100% Listen
072B 150%
072C Bumblebee Lounge (Hornet's Wrath Event) 70%
072D Lavender Trainyard (Cool Dude Zone) 50%
073A Ebroxas-forest-scary-slow2 All-Seeing Forest (Turtle Hole Event) 100% Listen
073B Dreadful Gallery 150% Listen
074A EBroxas-seers-room (1) White Spikes World 60% Listen
074B White Spikes World (Seer's Room) 100% Listen
074C White Spikes World (Basement) 50% Listen
075 Nexus-crazinessb White Spikes World (Seer Effect Get 1) 70% N/A
076A Nexus-bgm014b White Spikes World (Seer Effect Get 2) 110% N/A
076B Beige Box Factory (Sewer 3) 50% N/A
077A EBroxas-purple town outside Purple Town (Outside) 100% Listen
077B Purple Town (Inside) 70% Listen
077C Purple Town (To Tanabata) 60% N/A
078 EBroxas-angel Purple Town (Angel with Gold/Silver Wings) 70% Listen
079 EBroxas-Nexus-13remix Star Field (To Sky Islands) 100% Listen
080 EBroxas-Sky-islands Sky Islands 100% Listen
081 EBroxas-Dojo Sky Islands (Dojo Island) 100% Listen
082 EBroxas-Doodle-world Doodle World 100% Listen
083A fd-zaku Monochrome Void 100% Listen
083B Monochrome Void (Ladder Room) 50% N/A
083C Jumping Playground 70% N/A
084 sniperbob-boardonmyheadHAHA Nail Board 100% Listen
085 sniperbob-chipstuckinthroat Red and Blue Passage 100% Listen
086A sniperbob-pencilinmynose Floating Lamp World 100% Listen
086B Congregation Island ("Uboa") 150% N/A
087A Ebroxas-BGM-4 Picnic Table 70% Listen
087B DUDE Complex (Escape Ladder) 150% Listen
087C Biological Research Facility (Deeper) 140% N/A
088A fd-296_05 Forsaken Cliff (Top of the Tower) 150% Listen
088B Snail Palace (Temple) 110% N/A
089A sniperbob-teratoma Teratoma World 100% Listen
089B 50% N/A
090 sniperbob-braincannibal Congregation Island 60% Listen


No. Track Filename Location/Event Speed Music
091 sniperbob-fingerbitingoff Congregation Island (Cheese Area) 100% Listen
092 Jojogape - Acid Waves Wire World 70% Listen
093 fd-tone3 Lost Bunker (Starting Room) 50% Listen
094 EBroxas-Omonu Lost Bunker (Night Sky) 80% Listen
095 ebroxas-8bit-1 NES World (Overworld) 100% Listen
096 EBroxas-8bit-2 NES World (House) 100% Listen
097A EBroxas-8bit-3 NES World (Cloud) 90% Listen
097B NES World (Cloud, Crystal Path) 100% Listen
097C NES World (Tower) 90% Listen
098 QMark-Neneon Lightbulb World 100% Listen
099 QMark-Pipeswithgrass Grassy Pipes 100% Listen
100A QMark-AstrallSky Astral Ruins 60% Listen
100B QMark-PastelSky Grassy Pipes (Quare) 70% N/A
101A QMark-NaturalArcadea Concrete Treehouse (Arcade) 100% Listen
101B 80% Listen
102A QMark-NeonVillage Neon Village 100% Listen
102B QMark-NeonVillageTWO Neon Village (Inside) 100% Listen
103A QMark-Musicboxperiod Neon Village (Blockgirl's Flight Event) 100% Listen
103B Lavender Trainyard 50% N/A
Sky Islands (Basement)
104 stylzm-wasteland Stone Wasteland 80% Listen
105A gummy-waynesworld2 Stone Wasteland (Hidden Room) 100% Listen
105B Barcode World 80% Listen
106 gummy-sleepdeprived2 Alien Plants World 70% Listen
107 stylzm_machinery1 Stone Wasteland (Teru Teru Bōzu Path) 100% Listen
108A fd-0044 Isometric Street 60% Listen
108B Pinball Machine 90% Listen
Debug Room 110% Listen
109 Hashtag_underscore_abyss_ejay The Abyss 100% Listen
110A EBroxas-Void-Murals Void Murals 100% Listen
110B Void Murals (Bleeding Cyclops) 50% Listen
111A Car Driving-SoundBible.com-923766101 White Spikes World (Bottom of Well) 50% N/A
111B Hotel (Outside) 50% N/A
112A EBroxas-Dudecomplex DUDE Complex 100% Listen
112B DUDE Complex (The DUDES are LOOSE) 150% Listen
113 Ebroxas-globe5 Heaven's Docks 70% Listen
114 Ebroxas-backwardspiano Heaven's Docks (Goodbye Totsu Event) 90% Listen
115A EBroxas72-Totsu-grave Heaven's Docks (After Cube Event) 50% N/A
115B Snail Palace (Klotski) 100% N/A
116A fd-noisewhite Corroded Dream (Outside) 150% Listen
116B Beige Box Factory (Sewer 1) 100% Listen
116C NES World (Tower Roof) 70% Listen
117 fd-midi9 Beige Box Factory (Upside Down Event Room) 100% Listen
118 EBroxas-Starplusejapan Tanabata Clouds 80% Listen
119 Rindre-008a That Night I Saw Star Cactus Desert 60% N/A
120A Jojogape - Shivers Lantern Lake 80% Listen
120B Lantern Lake (Boat Ride) 50% Listen


No. Track Filename Location/Event Speed Music
121A gummy-strange_ambience2 Galleta World (Trixie Trap) 70% Listen
121B Deranged Faces Zone 70%
122 Nexus-dadladladladla1 Fast Food World (Main Area) 100% Listen
123 Nexus-playplayce2_edit Fast Food World (Restaurant) 100% Listen
124A nexus-germz Shoe Rack 100% N/A
124B nexus-germz2 100% N/A
125A nexus-playplayce4 Shoe Rack (Ladder) 100% Listen
125B nexus-playplayce5 100% Listen
125C nexus-playplayce4 Abandoned Shopping Mall (Secret) 50% N/A
126 Nexus-sunflower Mutant Sunflower World (Entrance) 100% Listen
127 Nexus-bgm009 Mutant Sunflower World (Main Area) 50% Listen
128 nexus-bgm026 Mutant Sunflower World (Grandma's House) 80% Listen
129A nexus-bgm028 without noise Mutant Sunflower World (Cookies) 100% Listen
129B nexus-bgm028 100% Listen
129C Abandoned Shopping Mall (Parking Lot) 70% N/A
130 Nexus-bgm003 Mutant Sunflower World (End of Burnt Cookies Event) 90% Listen
131 maple-spacey Digital Station 110% N/A
132 maple-vwoom Frigid Field 80% N/A
133 maple-bubbly Floating Bubble Lake 120% N/A
134 maple-loop3 Primordial Soup Bog 100% N/A
135A maple-shroom Mycelium Overgrowth A 80% N/A
135B Mycelium Overgrowth B 70% N/A
136A maple-seaside Aquamarine Harbor (Day) 100% N/A
136B maple-seaside_2 Aquamarine Harbor (Night) 100% N/A
137A maple-nightly Aquamarine Harbor (Tower) 100% N/A
137B Paper Cutout Gallery 70% N/A
138 fd-0831c Screen Mesa 120% N/A
139 Milica_BGM5 Sand Tile Maze 80% N/A
140A fd-1216b Blue Creature World 50% N/A
140B fd-1216-16000 Kaomoji Mall 70% Listen
140C Kaomoji Mall (Light Spa) 60% Listen
141 Jojogape - Inside the Bell Violet Caves (Deeper Cave) 100% N/A
142 Jojogape - Rosetta Violet Caves (Rosetta Cliff) 100% N/A
143A Jojogape - Nothing Means Toxic Waste Plant (Two Way Path) 100% N/A
143B Toxic Waste Plant (Illusion) 100% N/A
144 Jojogape - Oxygen Wall Toxic Waste Plant (Void Chase) 60% N/A
145 Jojogape - Pre Toxic Waste Plant (Geiger Counter Room) 100% N/A
146 Jojogape - Organism Toxic Waste Plant (El Bebe Event) 80% Listen
147A fd-noisefreeze Toxic Waste Plant (El Utero End) 150% N/A
147B Metal Mounds (Mime Meeting) 50% N/A
148 Question Mark - oncologic Grayscale Gardenscape (Drinking Red Room) 80% N/A
149 Ebroxas-Flight Sky Islands (Origami Flight Event) 100% Listen
150A Nexus-bgm023 Eye Dust (Inside) 110% Listen
150B Eye Dust (Outside) 90% Listen
150C Hat Park (Waiting Room) 50% Listen


No. Track Filename Location/Event Speed Music
151 Nexus-bgm030-8000 Lost Bunker 60% N/A
152 maple-elecwaters Uranium Glass Warehouse (Inside) 60% N/A
153 fd-220121 Jelly Cube Lake 90% N/A
154 Milica_BGM7 Abandoned Shopping Mall 50% N/A
155 FD-cyber 100% N/A
156 fd-banger1 60% N/A
157 nexus-vape_bitcrush 100% N/A
158A gummy-eyeball hallway Playing Card Maze (Mouths and Eyes 1) 50% Listen
158B Playing Card Maze (Mouths and Eyes 2) 70% N/A
159 gummy-purple hat world thingie2 Hat Park 70% Listen
160 gummy-lonely waterpark2 Abandoned Pools 70% Listen
161A gummy-machine in the basement2 Playing Card Maze (Basketball Court) 60% Listen
161B Smile Town (Machine Room) 100% Listen
162 gummy-dance babe2 Playing Card Maze (Dancing Cards) 100% Listen
163A gummy-duck hallway2 Smile Town (Entrance) 90% Listen
163B Smile Town 100% Listen
164 gummy-pink desert2 Pink Desert 70% Listen
165 gummy-bumblebee cafe Bumblebee Lounge 100% Listen
166 gummy-blue lovers4 Bumblebee Lounge (Blue Lovers) 100% Listen
167 gummy-I HAVE AWOKEN2 Puppet Theater (Anti-Seer Awakening Event) 150% Listen
168 gummy-cybercityscape Hotel (Interior) 70% Listen
169 fd-noisebrown Pink Desert (Duck Room) 50% N/A
170A gummy-lockerroomsdotexe Abandoned Pools (Locker Room) 50% Listen
170B Puppet Theater (Anti-Seer Room) 70% Listen
171 gummy-joj piano2 Pink Desert (Rainy Street) 90% Listen
172A gummy-freaking epic rave2 Polygon Place 100% Listen
172B gummy-freaking epic rave lowpass2 100% Listen
173 gummy-hexagon_land2 Puppet Theatrer 50% Listen
174A gummy-smiling ocean Pastel Labyrinth 100% Listen
174B Hotel (Barcode World Entrance) 70% N/A
175 gummy-ominous factory2 Playing Card Maze 70% Listen
176 fd-296_01 Hotel (Woman in Glass) 100% N/A
177A Ebroxas-color-Void Beat Block World 100% N/A
177B EBroxas72-Grinds Lavender Trainyard (Trains) 70% N/A
177C Lavender Trainyard (Main Area) 140% N/A
178A nexus-fairy_LHZ Mutant Sunflower World (Fairy) 80% N/A
178B Black Swan Bay 70% N/A
179 Ebroxas-crater Heaven's Docks (Cube's Domain Event) 100% N/A
180 EBroxas-water-Palace Water Palace 100% N/A


No. Track Filename Location/Event Speed Music
181A ForestDecoHighrise Art Deco World (Rooftop) 90% N/A
181B Art Deco World (Apartment) 70% N/A
181C Art Deco World (Elevator) 50% N/A
182A ForestDecoParking Art Deco World (Parking Garage) 80% N/A
182B Art Deco World (Old Man's Room) 50% N/A
183 ForestDecoMetro Art Deco World (Metro) 100% N/A
184 ForestDecoHallway Art Deco World (Hallway) 60% N/A
185 lapis mus_moonside Blacklight Bar 90% N/A
186 lapis mus_symmetry Symmetry World 100% N/A
187 fd-midi3 Biological Research Facility (Outside) 60% N/A
188 fd-airconditioner Biological Research Facility (Inside) 120% N/A
189 Lattex-ambient3 The Foundry 120% N/A
190 lapis mus_snail Snail Palace 100% N/A
191 lapis mus_musicbox Snail Palace (Snail Girl's Room) 100% N/A
192 ZLD-Stars Fake Sky 50% N/A
193 ZLD-Mall-1 Beneath the Sky 50% N/A
194 ZLD-ErrorScreen Fake Sky (Glitch Event) 50% N/A
195 ZLD-Mall_SAFE Abstracted Mall 100% N/A
196 maple-whistle Wooden Cutlery World 90% N/A
197A Qmark-BubblesAmb Concrete Treehouse (Neon Arcade) 50% Listen
197B Grayscale Gardenscape (Deer Head Room) 70% N/A
198 fd-title2 Abandoned Shopping Mall (Elevator) 100% N/A

Others (Older versions/Obsolete)

Track Name Location/Event Music Notes
Sushi-296_05 Title Screen Listen 100% speed. Replaced by fd-title in 0.03.
Sushi-tone2b2 Intro/Warning Screen Listen 130% speed. Replaced by fd-safe in 0.03.
Sushi-296_02 Character Select Listen 140% speed. Replaced by fd-safe in 0.03.
Nexus-bgm014b Totsutsuki's Intro Listen 60% speed. Gradually goes up throughout the map. Removed in 0.03.
5088_1333571626 Kubotsuki's Intro (Outside)
Kubotsuki's Balcony
100% speed. Removed in 0.03.
100% speed. Replaced by fd-karasfield in 0.03.
Sushi-buzz Kubotsuki's Intro (Elevator/Building)
Kubotsuki's Dream Room
100% speed. Removed in 0.03.
50% speed. Replaced by fd-sleep in 0.03.
loop_117 Totsutsuki's Dream Room
Totsutsuki's Nexus
Listen 50% speed. Replaced by fd-crystale in 0.03.
sushi-broken1 Kuboa Event (Room) Listen 100% speed. Removed in 0.02.
sushi-broken3 Kuboa Event (Waking up) Listen 130% speed. Removed in 0.02.
Nexus-bgm015 Kuboa Event (Waking up 2) Listen 50% speed. Removed in 0.02.
Nexus-bgm011 Computer Room Listen 100% speed. Removed in 0.03.
SesakaTH-Rolling Waves Twilight Garden Listen 100% speed. Replaced by OutlanderS3S-Rolling Waves in 0.05a.
SesakaTH-trickle1 Clash of Mutated Forms (Outside) Listen 100% speed. Replaced by OutlanderS3S-trickle1 in 0.05a.
SesakaTH-trickle2 Clash of Mutated Forms (Inside) Listen 100% speed. Replaced by OutlanderS3S-trickle2 in 0.05a.
1247-dreampalace1 Dream Palace Listen 90% speed. Removed in 0.08
1247-dreampalace2 Dream Palace (Rooms) Listen
70% speed (Tanabata Clouds entrance). Removed in 0.08.
90% speed (Most Rooms). Removed in 0.08.
1247-fairies Red Forest (Butterfly Effect Room) Listen 90% speed. Removed in 0.08.
1247-forest Red Forest N/A
60% speed. Removed in 0.08.
80% speed. Removed in 0.08.
1247-neoncity Neon City Listen
60% speed. Removed in 0.08.
80% speed. Removed in 0.08.
1247-reflections Moonlight Lake Listen 90% speed. Removed in 0.08.
fd-296_03 Neon City (After Haunted Hallway event) Listen
80% speed. Removed in 0.08.
90% speed. Removed in 0.08.
100% speed. Removed in 0.08.
fd-tone2b Neon City (Inside Glitch House) Listen 100% speed. Removed in 0.08.
fd-tone3c Neon City (Haunted Hallway event) N/A Various speeds. Removed in 0.08.
anthem_hall_draft_4 Elegant Diner Listen 100% speed. Unavailable in 0.08, but still in the files.
anthem_garden_draft_3 Rainy Garden Listen 100% speed. Unavailable in 0.08, but still in the files.
anthem_gardenhouse_draft_4 Rainy Garden (Shed)
Rainy Garden (Music Box Effect Room)
50% speed. Unavailable in 0.08, but still in the files.
100% speed. Unavailable in 0.08, but still in the files.
anthem_incense_draft_5 Incense World Listen 70% speed. Unavailable in 0.08, but still in the files.
anthem_shedroofreflection_draft_5 Rainy Garden (Radio Tower Outlook) Listen 100% speed. Unavailable in 0.08, but still in the files.