spelude is an author who contributed to Yume 2kki.
Yume 2kki
spelude has requested to be contacted if any wallpapers are to be implemented into her worlds. MAP0691(spelude)、MAP0692(絵本の中)、MAP0697(彼岸花)、MAP0698(ツナギ金平糖)、MAP0699(星座)、MAP0711(珈琲カップ)、MAP0716(小部屋)、MAP0717(絵本) 、MAP0721(花瓶)、MAP0722(裏花瓶)、MAP0726(手)、MAP0727(手室内)、MAP0728(ツナギ空中)、MAP0730(ケレウス) can be edited without permission. Other maps can only be edited with her consent. Using her BGMs in other maps is also prohibited without her consent.
Spelude is an author characterized by her colorful arstyle and emotional theming. Most of her worlds are considerably hard to find in the dream world, requiring for example elaborate puzzles or obtuse entrances to access them. She is best known for her unique music that she composes for her own worlds, being considerably more melodic than other music in the game. She created Red Lily Lake, Fox Temple, Constellation World, and more.
Last update: 13 March 2024
List with thumbnail images
- Alrescha Sea - uses spelude-namima at 60%
- Lapine Forest - uses spelude-132 at 100%
- Library by 20 - uses spelude-7+inks at 90%
Pages in category "spelude"
The following 32 pages are in this category, out of 32 total.
Media in category "spelude"
The following 3 files are in this category, out of 3 total.
- Spelude-132.ogg 58 s; 750 KB
- Y2 spelude-7+inks 90.ogg 1 min 4 s; 753 KB
- Y2 spelude-namima 60.ogg 1 min 12 s; 731 KB