The Style Guide has recently been rewritten. Please take a moment to review the new guidelines.
Kura Puzzles are unlocked the same way Wallpapers are, and in most cases, they are linked: always check your wallpapers after encountering characters or triggering events mentioned below. Here is a list of all 97 puzzles you can currently unlock. You can press Shift for a hint.
#1- After visiting Urotsuki's Dream Scene in Flying Fish World.
#2 - Painter-kun's Painting - Interact with Painter-kun in the Art Gallery.
#3 - Sign - When you first enter Sign World from the Bug Maze.
#5 - Three ┏(∵)┛ - When you first enter the Bowling Pin World from Bowling Zone.
#6 - Square - Wake up after your money is at least 800.
#7 - もっきゅっ! - After interacting with the Monmons in the Marijuana Goddess World at least 6 times in one visit.
#8 - Grinning Eyes - After you go up the ladder to Tapir-San's Place.
#9 - Blue People - Unlock Wallpaper #74.
#11 - Insect - When you get the Insect effect.
#12 - Hakoko & Megusuri Uri - Interact with Hakoko at the Eyeball Shop.
#13 - Darkness - After interacting with Desu-chan and Onee-chan, then visiting the Lower Highway.
#14 - Pipe Organ - Interact with the Black Beret Twin in the Dark Room.
#15 - Director's House - Unlock Wallpapers #64, #85, and #88.
#16 - Octopus - When you use the Fairy effect on Tako Otoko in Atlantis.
#18 - Odoriko-san - Interact with Odorika in Red Streetlight World (you don't need the Maiko effect).
#19 - Gakuran - Interact with Gakuran-kun.
#20 - Stardust - When you enter Space from Tapir-San's Place.
#21 - Rune Mark - When you first enter Theatre World.
#22 - Primitive Present - When you first enter the Tribe Settlement.
#23 - Little Red Riding Hood & Apple - When you get the Red Riding Hood effect.
#24 - The Grudge - Cutting the rope at the well in Fairy Tale Woods and getting captured.
#25 - Hanging Child - When you encounter Koshukei-tan in Graffiti Maze.
#26 - Are You Going Again? - Interact with Megusuri Uri outside his shop in Visine World.
#27 - The Playing Is... - Interact with the clown that plays the accordion at the Underwater Amusement Park.
#28 - Mask - When you chainsaw Painter-kun in the Art Gallery.
#29 - Penguin - When you get the Penguin effect.
#30 - Black Witch - After chainsawing the sane Shadow Lady in Forest World, going underground and then emerging.
#31 - Eyeball Human - When you encounter the Eyeball People in the Spelling Room.
#32 - Urotsuki_RT - When you get the Chainsaw effect.
#33 - Smile - When you first enter Guts World.
#34 - End - When you pass by the meteor along Highway (near the tunnel).
#36 - Elf - When you get the Fairy effect.
#37 - Candy Girl - When you use the Cake effect on Sweets Musume in Cutlery World.
#38 - Tear - When you chainsaw a stick person in the Penguin Game.
#39 - May I Eat? - When you use the Cake effect on Sweets Musume in Cutlery World.
#40 - My Name - When you spell "Urotsuki" in the Spelling Room.
#41 - Bug - When entering Seishonen's room when it's glitched.
#42 - RPG-7_Untitled - When you manage to escape the room after getting surrounded by chasers in Urotsuki's Dream Apartments.
#43 - Uro & T-Shirt-kun - Interact with the blue NPC at the end of the Arrow Maze.
#44 - Room Window - When you go through the black window in the Never-Ending Hallway.
#45 - Each World - When you go through all of The Nexus portals.
#46 - NULL MI - After looking up at the ceiling of the inescapable room in Binary World's tower.
#47 - Idenshideau - After meeting the fish in the jar in Green Binary World.
#48 - ぜんまいの鶏 - When you kill the Angel Priest in Fountain World
#49 - ジェイ子 - When you are chainsawed by the hockey mask girl in GALAXY Town
#50 - 暗彩光を飛ぶ - Unlocked by meeting "It Came From Behind" in Neon City.
#51 - Coffee Urotsuki - When you have a cup of coffee at the cafe in the Eyeball Archives.
#52 - 退水の先に - When you approach the pink structure in the Polluted Swamp
#53 - Within the Cage - When you find the caged Shadow Bird in the Halloween Forest part of the Cat Cemetery.
#55 - 揺蕩うくじら - When you enter Paradise for the first time.
#56 - When you get a ticket from the ticket dispenser in the Overgrown Condominium's arcade room.
#57 - After entering the head with the smiling creature in Head World.
#58 - "GB Urotsuki", by miau - When you enter GB Well for the first time.
#59 - "甘いイチゴ", by rollaby - When you reach the top of the Birthday Tower.
#60 - "リラックス", by theweirdpencil - When you visit the north, east, south, and west sections of Dream Park.
#61 - "わいんうろつき", by BSL - When you buy a drink at the Cyber Bar.
#62 - "コンテナ", by Eviled - When you enter Container Forest for the first time.
#63 - "マスカレード", by ローンタワー - After you view the Masked Dance event in Opal Archives.
#64 - "バスケ", by ローンタワー - When you enter French Street for the first time.
#65 - "dice", by ローンタワー - After getting the Dice effect.
#66 - "gray hair", by ローンタワー - After getting the Wolf and Invisible effects, and meeting with Megane and the boy with the red hat in Apartments.
#67 - "まるい", by Aonori - After obtaining Wallpaper #71, getting the Child and Invisible effects, and visiting Eyeball Archives, Shop Ruins, all sections of Dream Park, Nazca Valley "Stove" area, Kaleidoscope World, Ornamental Plains and Knife World.
#68 - "優しい海底", by たきこみ - When you enter Gentle Sea for the first time.
#69 - "白いクジラとお味噌汁", by たきこみ - When you enter Miso Soup Dungeon for the first time.
#70 - "電信柱", by - たきこみ - When you enter Domino Constructions for the first time.
#71 - "よーい…ドン!", by たきこみ - After reaching Rainbow Road, Unfamiliar City, and Seaside Circuit for the first time.
#72 - "ゆるまんた", by クロワ - After entering Coral Shoal in its Golden Sunset variant.
#73 - "湾とビル群", by クロワ - After visiting Pleasure Street and seeing the wire structures on the dock.
#74 - "黒魚と人魚", by クロワ - After visiting the mermaid in Pleasure Street.
#75 - "黄色!黄色!黄色!", by クロワ - After first entering Lemonade Pool.
#76 - "ハリボテの行進", by クロワ - When you enter Haribote Landscape for the first time.
#77 - "魔女っ娘キャット", by クロワ - After entering Witch Heaven.
#78 - "春の白鳥たち", by クロワ - When you enter Radiant Rainbow Reef for the first time.
#79 - "ほねとまきがい", by クロワ - After seeing the fossils on Dream Beach.
#80 - "避けられた基地裹", by クロワ - After visiting the grave in Shunned Street for the first time.
#81 - "くるくるホール", by クロワ - When you first enter the octagonal hall in French Street.
#82 - "I met a ********", by maptsuki - When you first enter Glitched Path in Violet Galaxy.
#83 - "秘蔵の古面", by maptsuki - After first entering the Mask Room in Japan Town.
#84 - "青い鏡、赤い鏡", by maptsuki - Enter the blue mirror and the red mirror in the Green Tile Room in Dojo.
#85 - "KING", by maptsuki - After obtaining the Child effect and entering Shogi Board.
#86 - "わすられぬ日々", by maptsuki - When you first enter the Ninja Circle in Ninja Town.
#87 - "細道に現る画伯", by maptsuki - After entering the long, dead-end hallway in Dark Bunker.
#88 - "月の上でコンばん は", by maptsuki - After viewing the fox on the moon in Kitsune Residence.
#89 - "好奇心は猿をも", by maptsuki - When you encounter the creature with bell-like organs in the basement of Monkey Mansion.
#90 - "ほうむる", by maptsuki - After reaching the White Tree and Winter Funeral subareas of Broken City.
#91 - "忘れじの双子山", by maptsuki - After visiting the balcony in the Bleak Future and obtaining menu themes 6 and 7.
#92 - "ツギハギパッチ", by たきこみ - After visiting the Fabric Planet in Moonview Lane and having transformed into Tsugihagi-kun in the Patchwork Playroom of The Pansy Path for the first time.
#93 - "記憶修復", by たきこみ - After reaching the file room of Check-Disk Nexus.
#94 - "恋繫り", by maptsuki - After reaching Lovesick World B.
#95 - "水鉢の夢", by maptsuki - After reaching Goldfish Pond.
#96 - "白魔女", by delta_judgement - After reaching Serpent Ruins A.
#97 - "うろ蛇の世界", by delta_judgement - After reaching Serpent Ruins A.