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Yume Nikki:Theories: Difference between revisions

>Touhou FTW
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[[Yume Nikki]] is a strange, unknown game, with no dialogue and a unique art style. So, of course, the fans created many theories, some good, some bad, some complex, some that make us laugh. This article will categorize the theories by character. There will then by long theories with contributions from most characters.
''[[Yume Nikki:Yume Nikki|Yume Nikki]]'' is a strange game that has no dialogue and a unique art style. The creator of the game, [[Yume Nikki:KIKIYAMA|KIKIYAMA]], [http://www3.nns.ne.jp/pri/tk-mto/kikiyamaHP.html stated on their website] that the game is meant to be an exploring game with a "dark atmosphere" but without plot or purpose. Still, there are themes in ''Yume Nikki'' that fans collected to create different theories about the characters and locations. Those themes and theories are displayed here.

It's also worth noting that TV Trope's [http://www.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/WMG/YumeNikki Wild Mass Guessing] page on Yume Nikki contains a wealth of theories too, some of them more fleshed out versions of the theories seen here.
It should also be noted that, due to the nature of dreams, the imagery and events in the game can be considered completely random and could serve no significant purpose other than being dream-like, thus were not meant for analysis. However, due to the many branching themes that fans have found, it's also possible that these could be intentional and that separate themes could even be linked into one theorized story. Considering that multiple themes and theories can be linked to just one aspect of [[Yume Nikki:Madotsuki|Madotsuki's]] dreams, it's possible for many different interpretations to come out of one aspect of the game.

A theory unique to a character, such as them being a possible reference to something or having a specific theme, may also be found in the '''Trivia''' or '''Theories''' section of their respective character pages.
[[File:1249879515309.png|thumb|left|Remind you of anything?]]

===Madotsuki was raped.===
''Also see: [[Yume Nikki:Indigenous Imagery|Indigenous Imagery]], [[Yume Nikki:Monochrome|Monochrome]]''
[[File:FACE.png|thumb|At first there was black, then came colors!]]In the game, there is much evidence that Mado was raped. In the Forest World, along a strange road, several creatures in the background with eyes watch over you. The last one's eyes follow you for a split second as you leave. Many claim these are ovaries, which adds "sexual content" to the game. Other incidents with eyes include the Eyeball World and the Barracks where entering a certain shed can lead to a tunnel where eyes follow the player. On the way to the Witch effect eyes in the trees follow the player. The theme of being watched seems prevalent.

Hands are also scattered throughout the game, what with the staircase lined with reaching hands on the way to Seccom Masada-sensei, sprouting out of the ground in the Eyeball room, and at the White Desert too. The room Uboa teleports you to, with a nightmarish landscape where a monster with multiple hands grasps hills in the background, is reminiscent of groping to some players. Unwanted touching seems to be a theme.

Some say that [[KyuuKyuu-Kun|Kyu-Kyu]], a large colorful pole creature, rubbing the banister of a stairway, is phallic imagery. The Knife and Cat [[Effects]] alter the speed of which Kyu-Kyu rubs the rail of the staircase, speeding it up or down. [[Full-screen events]] feature an event called FACE, which is achieved by going through a door right next to Kyu-Kyu. Some say it resembles a penis, fear itself, and/or static. The sequence in which the player stabs through a wall(which closely resemples a zipper), leaving a bloodied hymeneal opening, leading to a seemingly benevolent phallic-shaped Kyukyu-kyun, leading to a terrifying FACE, suggests sexual assault to some players.
==Themes of Isolation==
Madotsuki does not leave [[Yume Nikki:Madotsuki's Room|her apartment]] for the entirety of the game. Going outside to her balcony at different points in the game reveals that quite a bit of time passes - it turns nighttime, then daytime again. When the door in the real world is interacted with, she shakes her head, making it impossible to exit the room. In her dream world, she can not only leave through said door but is able to access the different dream locations through similar-looking doors in the [[Yume Nikki:Nexus|Nexus]].

A dread of pregnancy, possibly originating from being raped, can be interpreted from monsters whose shape resembles a pregnant woman who has lost her head.
In her dream world, the themes of isolation and loneliness continue. There is no dialogue, most [[Yume Nikki:List of Characters|NPCs]] ignore Madotsuki, and only a few NPCs turn to her when the player tries to interact with them. One example is the [[Yume Nikki:Mall Shoppers|shoppers]] in the [[Yume Nikki:Mall|Mall]], who run away from Madotsuki and become deformed upon interaction, making an odd sound as they go away. The locations themselves can feel isolating and lonely, due to being large and often looping, especially in locations close to The Nexus, of which only contain few points of interest. The sombre soundtrack of the game is also a contributing factor within this: with most other video games, longer pieces of music (around the typical two to three minutes) can signify how much time has passed since the player started playing the game, but shorter ones can make time be lost easily.

Something else to consider, is that Nasu, or eggplant, is a symbol of fertility in Japanese culture.
[[File:Toriningenparty.png|thumb|left|200px|Three girls having fun.]]
Throughout the game Madotsuki encounters tall creatures (referred to as [[Yume Nikki:Toriningen|Toriningen]] by fans), of which are considered enemies in the game due to their nature of trapping Madotsuki in inescapable locations when in a "lunatic" state. They also have the characteristic of having a group dynamic that goes beyond other multiple identical NPCs spawning in one location (such as the [[Yume Nikki:Wheelies|Wheelies]]). The most significant example of this is the [[Yume Nikki:Events#Toriningen Party|Toriningen Party]], where a group of Toriningen are seen having a picnic together in the [[Yume Nikki:Wilderness|Wilderness]], while dancing to cheerful music. This party cannot be accessed, as the plants of the Wilderness hinder Madotsuki from approaching any closer. It is notable that the NPCs of which that are thought to be the enemies of the game act as a team while Madotsuki herself is a sole figure.

===Madotsuki lives in an apocalyptic world.===
Furthermore, there are other characters that also seem isolated from their surroundings:
Madotsuki seems like a perfectly normal girl, albeit possibly being a hikkikomori. Yet her dreams are strangely terrifying and eccentric, and she acts like she has been there before, displaying almost no emotion. That, combined with the fact that her apartment is the only one in view, she won't leave her home, her TV doesn't get any channels, and her only source of entertainment is [[NASU|a Famicom game]], it would seem that whatever is out there is worse than what is in her dreams.
[[File:Poniko's room.PNG|thumb|right|200px|Poniko, another character isolated in their room.]]
*[[Yume Nikki:Poniko|Poniko]], who is the only character in the [[Yume Nikki:Pink Sea|Pink Sea]]. Just like Madotsuki, she never leaves her room of which she seems to be the only inhabitant.
*[[Yume Nikki:Mafurako|Mafurako]], who is the only NPC roaming around the expansive [[Yume Nikki:Block World|Block World]], and prefers to teleport to a random spot far away from Madotsuki when teleporting her back, with the exception of Madotsuki being in her snowman form, which makes Mafurako always teleport next to her. Mafurako is also always invisible, save for their hat and scarf, which could mean they don't want to be seen by others for some reason.
*[[Yume Nikki:Mars-san|Mars-san]], who can be found in the underground area of [[Yume Nikki:Mars|Mars]], which can only be reached by crashing a spaceship into Mars and then using an effect to access the tiny hole to the underground. This exit compared to the size of the character themselves makes them seem trapped, as it is impossible for even Madotsuki to enter if she is her normal size.

===Madotsuki is transgender.===
The various doors in The Nexus could allude to her having the desire to explore, but is unable to do so in the real world and thus feels comfortable to do it in her dreams. The Toriningen could possibly symbolize people in the real world, especially a "popular girl" figure as they are taller than Madotsuki and wear more stylish clothing and hairstyles, while their hostile nature when in their "lunatic" form could also possibly symbolize Madotsuki being bullied in the real world, resulting in her isolating herself. Mars-san could also entirely represent Madotsuki's feelings of staying inside her apartment: the feeling of being completely trapped and unable to escape. Another important encounter in the dream world that may point to a theme of isolation is [[Yume Nikki:Closet Madotsuki|Closet Madotsuki]], a sleeping Madotsuki hidden in a closet in the [[Yume Nikki:Checkered Tile Path|Checkered Tile Path]].
She is "male" but identifies as a woman and lives and dresses as one. It could also be vice-versa. The characters could be distorted versions of friends, family, and peers that have alienated her (or him) after she/he came out to them as a trans woman or a trans man. In support of Madotsuki actually being a female to male transgender man, the psycho Toringen could stem from Madotsuki feeling that his own body is working against him. The blood, and imagery of female reproductive systems are signs of hate and resentment towards periods and female puberty. While the phallic imagery could hint, in this case, towards his desire for a penis and male reproductive organs, they could also hint that when he came out as a man, it was met with violence. Many trans men are victims of rape from cisgender male attackers, as the attackers feel that raping them will put them back in their "place". The Toringen party could hint at Madotsuki's separation from the [http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/cisgender cisgender] girls.

In support of the theory that Madotsuki is a male to female transgender woman, the Toriningen party could actually mean that she is isolated from them due to her not being a "real girl" in their eyes. The psycho Toringen could be classmates that shamed her into dropping out of school and locking herself away. She still could have been raped by cisgender men on coming out, as it is also a common method of "teaching" a lesson in hate crimes, but the more horrific instances of phalic imagery could be Madotsuki fighting against her own biology, and resenting it.
Relating to this theory may be the [[Wikipedia:Hikikomori|hikikomori]] phenomenon, in which reclusive teens or adults abandon social life completely in favor of staying inside.

The graffiti world to monochrome world path could actually tell a story about Madotsuki's transition from a boy to a girl. She wants to have the priviledges and social status as a female (women's toilet) so she flees from her masculinity (bicycle) and begins to descend (elevator). Many people fail to accept her who recognize her as the boy she once was (mall people), yet her therapist gives her comforting advice, telling her everything is going to work out in the end (O-San). Eventually she starts to feel ugly (frog) and isolated, feeling that it will be a long, near impossible path to follow. (To be continued) The 8-bit world, which is passed through in the path, is usually interpreted as a representation of video games. Video game playing is often though of as a masculine hobby, especially back in the 8-Bit and 16-Bit Era. The entrance to the Monochrome world has limp phalluses hanging off the wall and an eye in front of a body of water. This could be related to her penis and crying, respectively. The monochrome world itself may be interpreted as a world of regrets, which would make sense why this would all lead to that world.
==Themes of Anxiety==
[[File:Floyag_watching_Madotsuki.PNG|left|150px|thumb|A [[Yume Nikki:Floyag|Floyag]] following Madotsuki with its eyes.]]
The theme of being watched seems prevalent in Madotsuki's dream, especially with the theme of eyes appearing throughout the dream world. This can obviously be seen in the [[Yume Nikki:Eyeball World|Eyeball World]], but also appears in the [[Yume Nikki:Dark Woods|Dark Woods]] and [[Yume Nikki:Barracks Settlement|Barracks Settlement]] with the presence of [[Yume Nikki:Isee|Isee]] and in [[Yume Nikki:White Desert A|White Desert A]] with the presence of [[Yume Nikki:Eye People|Eye People]]. Some other characters with large, singular eyes also appear such as Mars-san. Scattered eyes also appear in different [[Yume Nikki:Events|events]] such as the ああああああああ and Uboa events.

There is also a small possibility of Madotsuki actually being intersex. She could either have breasts, and female genitalia on the outside, with testes where her ovaries are meant to be, or she could have the male organs outside, and the female inside, which could explain why both female and male reproductive organs have such a horrific depiction in many areas of the game. Many intersexed people suffer from anemia caused by lack of appropriate hormones. This could explain, possibly, that Madotsuki sleeps so much because she is lacking energy.
Hands are also scattered throughout the game. Again, the aforementioned Eyeball World is filled with grabbing hands sprouting from the ground. Many locations also have hands or hand-like imagery:
[[File:YN White Desert A.png|right|thumb|160px|The gate to Block World from the White Desert, which has grasping hands.]]
*[[Yume Nikki:Staircase of Hands|Staircase of Hands]] is filled with hands emerging from below the stairway.
*[[Yume Nikki:Dark World|Dark World]] has a pair of symbols that resemble two hands.
*[[Yume Nikki:Graffiti World|Graffiti World]] has a large design of a monkey-like creature clearly showing its hands.
*The [[Yume Nikki:White Desert|White Desert]] has some sections with large hands and legs. [[Yume Nikki:Monoko|Monoko]] and [[Yume Nikki:The Thing with the Quivering Jaw|The Thing with the Quivering Jaw]] also have extra arms sprouting from them. The gate that leads to Block World from the White Desert also has a pair of grasping hands.
**[[Yume Nikki:Poniko's House#Uboa's Trap|Uboa's Trap]], a subsection of the White Desert that [[Yume Nikki:Uboa|Uboa]] teleports the player to, has a nightmarish landscape where [[Yume Nikki:Bloody Touching Monster|a monster with multiple hands]] grasps hills in the background.
*[[Yume Nikki:FC World B|FC World B]] has a dirt path design that resembles a pair of hands, one of which holds the entrance to the FC Ruins.

===Madotsuki is a lesbian.===
The implication may be that Madotsuki dislikes being touched and prefers a great amount of personal space.
Poniko is her image of a perfect beautiful girl she yearns connect with but can't because other girls she knew in the past weren't "weird" that way. She resorts to desperate measures to try and get Poniko's attention (going through different effects, flicking off the lights). Thing is, she feels her thoughts are dirty and she's afraid of other peoples' reaction. Uboa, a manifestation of that fear and guilt, pops up. The signs that people interpret as rape (Kyukyu-kyun + Face, the hands and eyes scattered everywhere, the decapitated pregnant belly things, etc) aren't signs of a past rape trauma but a dislike of penis, distaste of being watched by men, fear of judgment, and fear that she too will be expected to get married and give birth some day.

===Madotsuki achieves a happy ending.===
[[File:Organoid_teleport.gif|right|thumb|150px|Organoid teleporting away.]]
A theory that proposes that Madotsuki was dreaming (or in a coma) all along. Her suicide at the end is the result of her finally coming to terms that nothing in the world is real and she has been trapped in a dream. She escapes by killing herself so she can jolt herself awake. This theory is backed up by dream creatures who surround her bloody smear in the "real world" after her suicide, the fact that her eyes are always closed, the surreal and ever changing landscape outside her apartment/house, and how she's unable to leave her room.
A character who may tie into this theory is [[Yume Nikki:Organoid|Organoid]], who is the only NPC to swiftly teleport away upon approach. The many Mall Shoppers also run away from Madotsuki upon interaction.

===Madotsuki is a representative character.===
==Body Themes==
Madotsuki is by no means a common Japanese name, it means something similar to "window". This name was most likely chosen to show that she is not just a game character, but a "window" into the life of people who are antisocial, depressed, alone, disturbed, etc. Madotsuki's dreams portray many different views on depression and unhappiness. These different views are not meant to represent specific events in the fictional life of Madotsuki, but general events in the life of someone who is "different". The [[Toriningen]] party could have represented a social status that a person could not reach, no matter how hard they tried. Poniko/ Uboa could represent distrust and false friendships. The strange "people" in the Department Store have no face and refuse to speak to her, possibly representing how these antisocial people may view others. This game is far too abstract to be viewed as a simple and linear plot, so a representative theme would make much more sense. In a sense, Madotsuki is the poster-child for all children and adults who feel like they just don't fit in.
In ''Yume Nikki'', it is common for NPCs or backgrounds to resemble body parts or inner organs. Also see the Themes of Anxiety theory above for more instances of body parts, particularly eyes and hands, appearing in the game.

===Madotsuki is a murderer.===
Eyeball World is filled with various [[Yume Nikki:Body Parts|NPCs]] that resemble parts of the human body, ranging from legs to lips. The [[Yume Nikki:Mouth Monsters|Mouth Monsters]], which have large mouths, give hair-related effects. [[Yume Nikki:Floyag|Uteri-shaped creatures]] also appear on the [[Yume Nikki:Dense Woods A#Infinite Road|Infinite Road]]. Furthermore, some fans suggest that [[Yume Nikki:KyuuKyuu-kun|KyuuKyuu-kun]], a large colorful worm-shaped creature who is seen rubbing the handrail of a stairway, is phallic imagery, as the character can only be seen by entering through a [[Yume Nikki:Zippertile|Zippertile]] on the wall, which can be interpreted as a pants fly.
Depending on the player's actions, Madotsuki can behave violently towards NPCs and sometimes inanimate objects. Given that she finds the Blonde Hair effect near a red puddle, maybe she killed one of her friends, and the puddle represents blood. Perhaps it was a killing along the lines of the [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nevada-tan Sasebo slashing]. Madotsuki doesn't want to go outside because she feels remorse for her actions.

===Something terrible happenned to Madotsuki in the past.===
Getting to Poniko is really hard, you have to go through a lot of places to get to her, which could mean she is locked away. Poniko could be interpreted as Madotsuki's emotional side, which, because of something either of a terrible sexual experience, or perhaps fear to grow up or lack of childhood, Madotsuki locked away because of the fear and pain to confront. Poniko ignores Madotsuki, which could also mean that confronting what happenned is too painful for Madotsuki and Poniko. Bothering Poniko (switching the lights on and off) causes Uboa to appear. That could mean that Uboa is a revenge from Poniko, from not only leaving her locked-down and alone, but bothering her. Trying to kill Uboa leads Madotsuki to a place with a highly disturbing background, if analyzed well, could also mean a bad sexual experience. FACE, could be the result of trying to confront this event, meaning all the fear, pain. Since she wakes up immediatly, it means she failed in trying to confront it, or just did it the wrong way.
Another prominent body-related theme found in the game is the various strabismic NPCs ([[Wikipedia:Strabismus|strabismus]] meaning to be unable or having problems with fixating both eyes on one point at the same time, leading to the eyes not being aligned). One of the most well known strabismic characters in ''Yume Nikki'' is [[Yume Nikki:Seccom Masada-sensei|Seccom Masada-sensei]]. There could be two main reasons for their appearance:
*Madotsuki herself could be strabismic but is hiding it by keeping her eyes closed. There are some structures (such as those in the [[Yume Nikki:Pink Sea|Pink Sea]] and [[Yume Nikki:Barracks Settlement|Barracks Settlement]]) and characters (such as the [[Yume Nikki:Ghostmen|Ghostmen]]) who slightly resemble chromosomes, which could mean Madotsuki inherited strabismus genetically.
*Another cause of strabismic eyes is through severe brain or head injuries. It should be noted that some strabismic NPCs, notably [[Yume Nikki:Dropfish|Dropfish]], the [[Yume Nikki:Goppa|Goppa]], the [[Yume Nikki:Severed Blue Head|Severed Blue Head]], and Monoko (when shown during her [[Yume Nikki:Events#Monoko|event]]) are all strabismic while also seemingly drooling or coughing up blood. It's possible that this links to the themes of violence and traffic accidents found throughout the game (read below sections).

==Aztec Imagery==
[[File:Henkei2.png|thumb|right|Their appearance could be interpreted as either fat or pregnant.]]
It is possible, since Aztec imagery appears in most backgrounds in Madotsuki's dreams and even her real life room (the carpet) that she may have a strong fascination towards Aztec culture. Maybe because of its fundaments or out of mere curiosity.
One particular theme relating to the body that seems to appear throughout the game is the theme of pregnancy or childbirth. [[Yume Nikki:Takofuusen|Takofuusen]] is an easily identifiable example of this, as it resembles a fetus with the "[[Wikipedia:Twin reversed arterial perfusion|TRAP sequence]]" birth defect. Other characters, such as [[Yume Nikki:Onsen-san|Onsen-san]] and [[Yume Nikki:Manhole-sama|Manhole-sama]], have cord-like appendages that resemble umbilical cords. Alongside this, characters such as the [[Yume Nikki:Henkei Shita|Henkei Shita]] have large stomachs with thin mouths resembling a surgical cut, which is a trait shared with some of the Mall Shoppers (most notably Obasan) when they distort. The theme of pregnancy could also be an explanation for the instances of characters or structures resembling reproductive organs, characters of which appear to prelude or lead to larger or more terrifying characters in the dream world, such as the Floyag and Manhole-sama eventually leading to the Thing with the Quivering Jaw and the Zippertile and KyuuKyuu-kun leading to FACE, which possibly intend to paint such themes as horrific. These instances have been largely debated by fans on what their possible meaning could be, if any.

Perhaps it is symbolic, the Aztecs were hated by all people of all places before they settled in Tenochtitlan. Even when they reached the valley of Texcoco everybody tried their hardest to expel them from the proximities of the lake. Throughout their brief history as lords of this rich land they where known as dark, grim, suprahuman fighters with an intrinsic veneration to death, bodily sacrifices and motherhood as they had more than one deity that symbolized these elements that are so recurrent in throughout the whole game.
The reoccurring theme of body parts throughout Madotsuki's dreams could lead to many interpretations. It's possible she could be afraid of body parts or losing them, as they usually appear around blood or in a gruesome manner such as in Eyeball World or Mural World's Mouth Monsters. Some fans also think that the appearance of characters or structures resembling reproductive organs in her dreams may be linked to a traumatic event or could possibly relate to themes of gender identity (detailed in the Themes of Identity section). As stated above, the inclusion of many strabismic characters could even be related to Madotsuki herself being strabismic, though this is never shown in-game due to her eyes appearing to be closed.

It may be that Madotsuki feels identified with these people, their culture, their art and what they symbolize.

==Themes of Violence==
It's is all alone, accompanied by nothing but strange "machines" and depressing music. It is also crying. Has Mars-san simply burst into tears because it too is trapped on this strange planet, and it's helpless? Maybe the machines are it's countless ways to escape the planet.
[[File:Mars-san Stab.png|left|thumb|Madotsuki leaving a wound on Mars-san's foot.]]
Depending on the player's actions, Madotsuki can behave violently towards NPCs and sometimes inanimate objects. She is able to use the [[Yume Nikki:Effects#Knife|Knife]] effect on almost all of the NPCs with varying results.

Could this be symbolising an element of deep and utter hopelessness, being trapped, and unable to escape? Not being able to escape not just mars, but being that this is Madotsuki's dreams, maybe this is a realisation that she is trapped in her own mind?
While this makes the Knife a prominent effect in the game, it is nevertheless not necessary for gathering effects and thus achieving the [[Yume Nikki:Ending|ending]], and most of the time, can be substituted by the [[Yume Nikki:Effects#Cat|Cat]] effect for exploring purposes. Even in cases where it is useful for exploring, it will often lead to alarming events such as the Severed Heads in the Sky and FACE events. It could also be argued that Madotsuki, while wielding the Knife effect, is one of the most dangerous characters in the dream world. Even other characters that may seem like enemies or appear to be violent, such as the Toriningen or Uboa, simply trap Madotsuki in isolated locations with no other ill effects, not even doing damage to Madotsuki despite the game's inclusion of a health bar (which may also just be a remnant of the RPG Maker engine used for the game).

[[File:Marssan.png|thumb|284px|Dapressing, emotional music can be heard in the background along with a hissing noise. Mars-san is crying. Machines (?) are everywhere.]]
Regardless, the Knife is still perceived as a key object in the minds of many fans, leading to them interpreting that Madotsuki or other characters from the game can be prone to acts of violence. Some fans have also theorized that Madotsuki may have had a violent past or was violent herself in the real world, thus why the Knife effect is found in the difficult-to-navigate Dark World (likely as a form of repressed memory) and why Madotsuki isolates herself in her room, possibly out of guilt for a violent act committed in the past.

This can easily be put with other theories to suggest a possible reason why Madotsuki kills herself in the end of the game, because she can no longer stand being trapped in her own head.
==Themes of Traffic Accidents==
[[File:Shita-San.png|thumb|right|150px|Shitai-san, seemingly the victim of a traffic incident.]]
Different areas and interactions in ''Yume Nikki'' imply that Madotsuki often thinks about traffic accidents of some kind. One prominent example of this is [[Yume Nikki:Shitai-san|Shitai-san]], a dead person on the ground in the [[Yume Nikki:Road|Road]], surrounded by traffic cones, of whom the [[Yume Nikki:Effects#Stoplight|Stoplight]] effect can be gained.
Other instances of vehicle- and crash-related events also occur within the dream world. Seccom Masada-sensei is troubled by his [[Yume Nikki:Spaceship|spaceship]] crashing onto Mars, while Mars-san cries near something that appears to be a crashed locomotive. Near Shitai-san is also a train track, with a [[Yume Nikki:Traincar|Traincar]] located elsewhere in the same forest.
[[File:Five armed Monoko.jpg|thumb|right|150px|Monoko's appearance after the Stoplight effect is used.]]
Some characters also react oddly, sometimes disturbingly, to the Stoplight effect when it is used near them. The faces of the [[Yume Nikki:Wheelies|Wheelies]] will drastically change and [[Yume Nikki:Buyo Buyo|Buyo Buyo]] will freeze while losing its pupil. Another popular example of a character reacting to the Stoplight effect is [[Yume Nikki:Monoko|Monoko]], a girl found in one of the tunnels of the [[Yume Nikki:White Desert A|White Desert]] who drastically changes her appearance when the Stoplight is used: she has five arms (one coming out of her head), a wound on her stomach, strabismic eyes with one of them spurting out liquid and an open, seemingly drooling, mouth. Using the Stoplight again restores her appearance. This could be interpreted as Monoko possibly being a person in the real world that may have had relations with Madotsuki, but suffered a vehicle-related accident that Madotsuki witnessed. Her strange appearance when the Stoplight is used could possibly be a less grotesque interpretation of what Madotsuki saw.
One other theme that could possibly further this theory is the occurrence of cones or cone-shapes in the dream world, which could overall symbolize traffic cones (such as the ones that surround [[Yume Nikki:Shitai-san|Shitai-san]], the source of the Stoplight effect). A single traffic cone can be found in the Mall, blocking the area's rooftop, and several conical structures can be found in areas such as the [[Yume Nikki:Pink Sea|Pink Sea]] and [[Yume Nikki:Face Carpet Plaza|Face Carpet Plaza]]. Conical trees are also prevalent in areas such as [[Yume Nikki:Forest World|Forest World]], [[Yume Nikki:Snow World|Snow World]], and [[Yume Nikki:Dense Woods A|Dense Woods A]], the latter of which is connected to where the Stoplight effect is located.
All of these themes have led to theories stating Madotsuki may have had experiences in the real world relating to a traffic accident, possibly alongside family or friends. This would explain why she is alone in her apartment, as those in the traffic accident possibly died or suffered fatal injuries and thus can't be with Madotsuki.
==Themes of Escapism==
[[File:Madotsuki in Bed.png|thumb|left|Whatever is behind that door, it is too much for her to confront.]]
Madotsuki is seemingly trapped inside her room, though it is unknown if this is by choice or if it is due to something out of her control. She remains stuck inside a room with nothing to do except play ''[[Yume Nikki:NASU|NASU]]'', write in her diary and sleep. For this reason, some fans believe Madotsuki remains in her dream world as a way to escape the situation that she finds herself in.
While inside her dreams, she can [[Yume Nikki:Events#Witch's Flight|fly across a city sky]], explore [[Yume Nikki:FC World A|far more interesting video games]], hang out with [[Yume Nikki:Poniko|other people]], and [[Yume Nikki:Spaceship|travel across the universe]]. But between all of these things that she can do, it always ends up with her returning to reality, as explained through various events.
All of the events mentioned above are seemingly friendly, but will ultimately lead to Madotsuki waking up anyway in the right conditions. In the Witch's Flight event, she can eventually fall, leading her to wake up. Interacting with a wall in the [[Yume Nikki:FC Dungeon|FC Dungeon]] leads to scarily glitched graphics alongside a loud noise that wakes Madotsuki. Spending time with Poniko can lead to the Uboa event, which drastically changes the mood of the soundtrack and the surroundings and will teleport Madotsuki to Uboa's Trap, forcing her to wake up if she doesn't have the [[Yume Nikki:Effects#Medamaude|Medamaude]] effect. Boarding the [[Yume Nikki:Events#Spaceship Crash|space ship]] can lead to a crash-landing, effectively isolating Madotsuki on Mars.
It could be theorized that these happy events link Madotsuki to the real world, even if she wants to remain dreaming to escape the harsh reality that she lives in.
==Themes of Identity==
Some factors found within the dream worlds could be seen as representing transgender or other queer identity. Many of the effects relating to appearance, such as the Hair effects, could be seen as representative of appearance or body dysphoria. Many creatures throughout the dream world could also be seen as relating to body dysphoria as well. For example, creatures resembling reproductive organs appear in Madotsuki's dreams, such as the uterus-like Floyag and the phallic KyuuKyuu-kun. Many of the more distorted creatures, such as the White Desert monsters and the [[Yume Nikki:Sewers#Sewer Drawings|Sewer Drawings]], have abnormal limbs that give off the appearance of something inside them trying to escape, which may be metaphorical for "coming out" in terms of identity.
While some of the distorted-looking characters may be interpreted as physical/body dysphoria, other aspects of the dream world could possibly be interpreted as identity dysphoria, the concept of lacking an identity, or nonconforming identity. Some characters, such as the Pirori or the Nopperabou Witches (when the Cat effect is used), may represent an idea of "facelessness" or lack of identity depicted literally. Another thing to note is that a male and female [[Yume Nikki:Restroom|restroom]] appear in different areas in the dream world, both of which Madotsuki can enter.
The ending of the game can also be interpreted as symbolic. Many fans think that Madotsuki's death and the ending of the game overall represent a "reawakening" of sorts. In the context of transgender or sexual identity, this could be interpreted as coming out or revealing such things publicly, reawakening as a completely new person.
==Japanese Folklore==
Various NPCs and effects are demons, ghosts, and monsters from Japanese folklore. This suggests that Madotsuki may be interested in or feels personally involved with this theme.
NPCs that heavily resemble creatures of Japanese folklore are:
*The [[Yume Nikki:Yuki-onna|Yuki-onna]], who is modeled after the [[Wikipedia:Yuki-onna|yuki-onna]] yōkai and bestows Madotsuki the [[Yume Nikki:Effects#Yuki-onna|Yuki-Onna]] effect when interacted with.
*The [[Yume Nikki:FC Demon|FC Demon]], who might not look like a regular [[Wikipedia:Oni|oni]], but the [[Yume Nikki:Effects#Demon / Oni (おに)|Demon]] effect they give gives Madotsuki the appearance of one.
*The [[Yume Nikki:Nopperabou Ghost|Nopperabou Ghost]] and [[Yume Nikki:Nopperabou Witches|Nopperabou Witches]], who references the legendary faceless [[Wikipedia:Noppera-bō|noppera-bō]] creature. The former also gives out the [[Yume Nikki:Effects#Nopperabou|Nopperabou]] effect.
*The [[Yume Nikki:Ittan-momen|Ittan-momen]], fan-named after the [[Wikipedia:Ittan-momen|yōkai of the same name]]. It is a [[Wikipedia:Tsukumogami|tsukumogami]] that has been said to be a long cloth that has come to life and flies around, killing people by smothering them. It gives the [[Yume Nikki:Effects#Towel|Towel]] effect.
*The Toriningen slightly resemble a [[Wikipedia:Tengu|tengu]] or [[Wikipedia:Baku (mythology)|baku]], two creatures in Japanese mythology that sport long noses. Baku are also notable for devouring dreams, notably nightmares.
[[File:CatMado.png|thumb|The Cat effect resembles a maneki-neko.]]
Some other effects also appear to relate to Japanese folklore:
*The Cat effect, where Madotsuki becomes a humanoid [[Wikipedia:Maneki-neko|maneki-neko]] holding a [[Wikipedia:Koban_(coin)|koban coin]]. As the maneki-neko is supposed to bring in customers with its good luck, it might explain why NPCs are drawn towards Madotsuki when she paws with her right hand.
*The [[Yume Nikki:Effects#Triangle Kerchief|Triangle Kerchief]] effect given out by [[Yume Nikki:Fleebie|Fleebie]]. When applying the effect, Madotsuki appears with a ''hitaikakushi'', white triangle-shaped headbands which are often worn by [[Wikipedia:Yūrei|yūrei]].
==Lucid Dreaming==
As Madotsuki can wake herself up at any time in her dream while also having control over her surroundings, she is by definition having lucid dreams. Since she also keeps a dream diary, she remembers at least some things about them, particularly the effects as saving the game could be interpreted as her writing the moments related to effects in her diary in order to remember them and therefore reuse them in the dream world.
Self-induced lucid dreaming is a successful therapy technique for dealing with sleep cycle-affecting mental disorders or illnesses. It is theorized she may have been taught self-induced lucid dreaming to reduce the frequency of nightmares and keeps a dream diary to keep track of her dreams as a self-care exercise.
==Separation of Dreams and Reality==
At all times during regular gameplay, the dream world and the real world are kept separate, meaning no "unreal" dream elements carry over in the awake moments. During the Witch's Flight event, Madotsuki even falls out of her bed in the real world to indicate that she moved around in her sleep while having a strong dream.
However, during the ending, two [[Yume Nikki:Jellyfish|Jellyfish]] appear, while the ending supposedly takes place in the real world. This has raised doubts as to whether the ending is real or just another dream. In fact, some fans believe that Madotsuki is dreaming at every point in the game, citing her perpetually closed eyes, the carrying over of [[Yume Nikki:Vending Machine#Yen|yen]] after getting pinched awake, and the unrealistic nature of living in an apartment without food or a bathroom as evidence. The blood splatter that appears in the ending also appears several times throughout the dream world, though this is likely either foreshadowing or reusing assets. Others see this theory as a symbol that, even in death, Madotsuki can't escape her nightmares.
[[Category:Yume Nikki Theoretical Discussions]]

Latest revision as of 03:46, 28 August 2024

Yume Nikki is a strange game that has no dialogue and a unique art style. The creator of the game, KIKIYAMA, stated on their website that the game is meant to be an exploring game with a "dark atmosphere" but without plot or purpose. Still, there are themes in Yume Nikki that fans collected to create different theories about the characters and locations. Those themes and theories are displayed here.

It should also be noted that, due to the nature of dreams, the imagery and events in the game can be considered completely random and could serve no significant purpose other than being dream-like, thus were not meant for analysis. However, due to the many branching themes that fans have found, it's also possible that these could be intentional and that separate themes could even be linked into one theorized story. Considering that multiple themes and theories can be linked to just one aspect of Madotsuki's dreams, it's possible for many different interpretations to come out of one aspect of the game.

A theory unique to a character, such as them being a possible reference to something or having a specific theme, may also be found in the Trivia or Theories section of their respective character pages.

Also see: Indigenous Imagery, Monochrome

Themes of Isolation

Madotsuki does not leave her apartment for the entirety of the game. Going outside to her balcony at different points in the game reveals that quite a bit of time passes - it turns nighttime, then daytime again. When the door in the real world is interacted with, she shakes her head, making it impossible to exit the room. In her dream world, she can not only leave through said door but is able to access the different dream locations through similar-looking doors in the Nexus.

In her dream world, the themes of isolation and loneliness continue. There is no dialogue, most NPCs ignore Madotsuki, and only a few NPCs turn to her when the player tries to interact with them. One example is the shoppers in the Mall, who run away from Madotsuki and become deformed upon interaction, making an odd sound as they go away. The locations themselves can feel isolating and lonely, due to being large and often looping, especially in locations close to The Nexus, of which only contain few points of interest. The sombre soundtrack of the game is also a contributing factor within this: with most other video games, longer pieces of music (around the typical two to three minutes) can signify how much time has passed since the player started playing the game, but shorter ones can make time be lost easily.

Three girls having fun.

Throughout the game Madotsuki encounters tall creatures (referred to as Toriningen by fans), of which are considered enemies in the game due to their nature of trapping Madotsuki in inescapable locations when in a "lunatic" state. They also have the characteristic of having a group dynamic that goes beyond other multiple identical NPCs spawning in one location (such as the Wheelies). The most significant example of this is the Toriningen Party, where a group of Toriningen are seen having a picnic together in the Wilderness, while dancing to cheerful music. This party cannot be accessed, as the plants of the Wilderness hinder Madotsuki from approaching any closer. It is notable that the NPCs of which that are thought to be the enemies of the game act as a team while Madotsuki herself is a sole figure.

Furthermore, there are other characters that also seem isolated from their surroundings:

Poniko, another character isolated in their room.
  • Poniko, who is the only character in the Pink Sea. Just like Madotsuki, she never leaves her room of which she seems to be the only inhabitant.
  • Mafurako, who is the only NPC roaming around the expansive Block World, and prefers to teleport to a random spot far away from Madotsuki when teleporting her back, with the exception of Madotsuki being in her snowman form, which makes Mafurako always teleport next to her. Mafurako is also always invisible, save for their hat and scarf, which could mean they don't want to be seen by others for some reason.
  • Mars-san, who can be found in the underground area of Mars, which can only be reached by crashing a spaceship into Mars and then using an effect to access the tiny hole to the underground. This exit compared to the size of the character themselves makes them seem trapped, as it is impossible for even Madotsuki to enter if she is her normal size.

The various doors in The Nexus could allude to her having the desire to explore, but is unable to do so in the real world and thus feels comfortable to do it in her dreams. The Toriningen could possibly symbolize people in the real world, especially a "popular girl" figure as they are taller than Madotsuki and wear more stylish clothing and hairstyles, while their hostile nature when in their "lunatic" form could also possibly symbolize Madotsuki being bullied in the real world, resulting in her isolating herself. Mars-san could also entirely represent Madotsuki's feelings of staying inside her apartment: the feeling of being completely trapped and unable to escape. Another important encounter in the dream world that may point to a theme of isolation is Closet Madotsuki, a sleeping Madotsuki hidden in a closet in the Checkered Tile Path.

Relating to this theory may be the hikikomori phenomenon, in which reclusive teens or adults abandon social life completely in favor of staying inside.

Themes of Anxiety

A Floyag following Madotsuki with its eyes.

The theme of being watched seems prevalent in Madotsuki's dream, especially with the theme of eyes appearing throughout the dream world. This can obviously be seen in the Eyeball World, but also appears in the Dark Woods and Barracks Settlement with the presence of Isee and in White Desert A with the presence of Eye People. Some other characters with large, singular eyes also appear such as Mars-san. Scattered eyes also appear in different events such as the ああああああああ and Uboa events.

Hands are also scattered throughout the game. Again, the aforementioned Eyeball World is filled with grabbing hands sprouting from the ground. Many locations also have hands or hand-like imagery:

The gate to Block World from the White Desert, which has grasping hands.
  • Staircase of Hands is filled with hands emerging from below the stairway.
  • Dark World has a pair of symbols that resemble two hands.
  • Graffiti World has a large design of a monkey-like creature clearly showing its hands.
  • The White Desert has some sections with large hands and legs. Monoko and The Thing with the Quivering Jaw also have extra arms sprouting from them. The gate that leads to Block World from the White Desert also has a pair of grasping hands.
  • FC World B has a dirt path design that resembles a pair of hands, one of which holds the entrance to the FC Ruins.

The implication may be that Madotsuki dislikes being touched and prefers a great amount of personal space.

Organoid teleporting away.

A character who may tie into this theory is Organoid, who is the only NPC to swiftly teleport away upon approach. The many Mall Shoppers also run away from Madotsuki upon interaction.

Body Themes

In Yume Nikki, it is common for NPCs or backgrounds to resemble body parts or inner organs. Also see the Themes of Anxiety theory above for more instances of body parts, particularly eyes and hands, appearing in the game.

Eyeball World is filled with various NPCs that resemble parts of the human body, ranging from legs to lips. The Mouth Monsters, which have large mouths, give hair-related effects. Uteri-shaped creatures also appear on the Infinite Road. Furthermore, some fans suggest that KyuuKyuu-kun, a large colorful worm-shaped creature who is seen rubbing the handrail of a stairway, is phallic imagery, as the character can only be seen by entering through a Zippertile on the wall, which can be interpreted as a pants fly.

Yn char masada.png

Another prominent body-related theme found in the game is the various strabismic NPCs (strabismus meaning to be unable or having problems with fixating both eyes on one point at the same time, leading to the eyes not being aligned). One of the most well known strabismic characters in Yume Nikki is Seccom Masada-sensei. There could be two main reasons for their appearance:

  • Madotsuki herself could be strabismic but is hiding it by keeping her eyes closed. There are some structures (such as those in the Pink Sea and Barracks Settlement) and characters (such as the Ghostmen) who slightly resemble chromosomes, which could mean Madotsuki inherited strabismus genetically.
  • Another cause of strabismic eyes is through severe brain or head injuries. It should be noted that some strabismic NPCs, notably Dropfish, the Goppa, the Severed Blue Head, and Monoko (when shown during her event) are all strabismic while also seemingly drooling or coughing up blood. It's possible that this links to the themes of violence and traffic accidents found throughout the game (read below sections).
Their appearance could be interpreted as either fat or pregnant.

One particular theme relating to the body that seems to appear throughout the game is the theme of pregnancy or childbirth. Takofuusen is an easily identifiable example of this, as it resembles a fetus with the "TRAP sequence" birth defect. Other characters, such as Onsen-san and Manhole-sama, have cord-like appendages that resemble umbilical cords. Alongside this, characters such as the Henkei Shita have large stomachs with thin mouths resembling a surgical cut, which is a trait shared with some of the Mall Shoppers (most notably Obasan) when they distort. The theme of pregnancy could also be an explanation for the instances of characters or structures resembling reproductive organs, characters of which appear to prelude or lead to larger or more terrifying characters in the dream world, such as the Floyag and Manhole-sama eventually leading to the Thing with the Quivering Jaw and the Zippertile and KyuuKyuu-kun leading to FACE, which possibly intend to paint such themes as horrific. These instances have been largely debated by fans on what their possible meaning could be, if any.

The reoccurring theme of body parts throughout Madotsuki's dreams could lead to many interpretations. It's possible she could be afraid of body parts or losing them, as they usually appear around blood or in a gruesome manner such as in Eyeball World or Mural World's Mouth Monsters. Some fans also think that the appearance of characters or structures resembling reproductive organs in her dreams may be linked to a traumatic event or could possibly relate to themes of gender identity (detailed in the Themes of Identity section). As stated above, the inclusion of many strabismic characters could even be related to Madotsuki herself being strabismic, though this is never shown in-game due to her eyes appearing to be closed.

Themes of Violence

Madotsuki leaving a wound on Mars-san's foot.

Depending on the player's actions, Madotsuki can behave violently towards NPCs and sometimes inanimate objects. She is able to use the Knife effect on almost all of the NPCs with varying results.

While this makes the Knife a prominent effect in the game, it is nevertheless not necessary for gathering effects and thus achieving the ending, and most of the time, can be substituted by the Cat effect for exploring purposes. Even in cases where it is useful for exploring, it will often lead to alarming events such as the Severed Heads in the Sky and FACE events. It could also be argued that Madotsuki, while wielding the Knife effect, is one of the most dangerous characters in the dream world. Even other characters that may seem like enemies or appear to be violent, such as the Toriningen or Uboa, simply trap Madotsuki in isolated locations with no other ill effects, not even doing damage to Madotsuki despite the game's inclusion of a health bar (which may also just be a remnant of the RPG Maker engine used for the game).

Regardless, the Knife is still perceived as a key object in the minds of many fans, leading to them interpreting that Madotsuki or other characters from the game can be prone to acts of violence. Some fans have also theorized that Madotsuki may have had a violent past or was violent herself in the real world, thus why the Knife effect is found in the difficult-to-navigate Dark World (likely as a form of repressed memory) and why Madotsuki isolates herself in her room, possibly out of guilt for a violent act committed in the past.

Themes of Traffic Accidents

Shitai-san, seemingly the victim of a traffic incident.

Different areas and interactions in Yume Nikki imply that Madotsuki often thinks about traffic accidents of some kind. One prominent example of this is Shitai-san, a dead person on the ground in the Road, surrounded by traffic cones, of whom the Stoplight effect can be gained.

Other instances of vehicle- and crash-related events also occur within the dream world. Seccom Masada-sensei is troubled by his spaceship crashing onto Mars, while Mars-san cries near something that appears to be a crashed locomotive. Near Shitai-san is also a train track, with a Traincar located elsewhere in the same forest.

Monoko's appearance after the Stoplight effect is used.

Some characters also react oddly, sometimes disturbingly, to the Stoplight effect when it is used near them. The faces of the Wheelies will drastically change and Buyo Buyo will freeze while losing its pupil. Another popular example of a character reacting to the Stoplight effect is Monoko, a girl found in one of the tunnels of the White Desert who drastically changes her appearance when the Stoplight is used: she has five arms (one coming out of her head), a wound on her stomach, strabismic eyes with one of them spurting out liquid and an open, seemingly drooling, mouth. Using the Stoplight again restores her appearance. This could be interpreted as Monoko possibly being a person in the real world that may have had relations with Madotsuki, but suffered a vehicle-related accident that Madotsuki witnessed. Her strange appearance when the Stoplight is used could possibly be a less grotesque interpretation of what Madotsuki saw.

One other theme that could possibly further this theory is the occurrence of cones or cone-shapes in the dream world, which could overall symbolize traffic cones (such as the ones that surround Shitai-san, the source of the Stoplight effect). A single traffic cone can be found in the Mall, blocking the area's rooftop, and several conical structures can be found in areas such as the Pink Sea and Face Carpet Plaza. Conical trees are also prevalent in areas such as Forest World, Snow World, and Dense Woods A, the latter of which is connected to where the Stoplight effect is located.

All of these themes have led to theories stating Madotsuki may have had experiences in the real world relating to a traffic accident, possibly alongside family or friends. This would explain why she is alone in her apartment, as those in the traffic accident possibly died or suffered fatal injuries and thus can't be with Madotsuki.

Themes of Escapism

Whatever is behind that door, it is too much for her to confront.

Madotsuki is seemingly trapped inside her room, though it is unknown if this is by choice or if it is due to something out of her control. She remains stuck inside a room with nothing to do except play NASU, write in her diary and sleep. For this reason, some fans believe Madotsuki remains in her dream world as a way to escape the situation that she finds herself in.

While inside her dreams, she can fly across a city sky, explore far more interesting video games, hang out with other people, and travel across the universe. But between all of these things that she can do, it always ends up with her returning to reality, as explained through various events.

All of the events mentioned above are seemingly friendly, but will ultimately lead to Madotsuki waking up anyway in the right conditions. In the Witch's Flight event, she can eventually fall, leading her to wake up. Interacting with a wall in the FC Dungeon leads to scarily glitched graphics alongside a loud noise that wakes Madotsuki. Spending time with Poniko can lead to the Uboa event, which drastically changes the mood of the soundtrack and the surroundings and will teleport Madotsuki to Uboa's Trap, forcing her to wake up if she doesn't have the Medamaude effect. Boarding the space ship can lead to a crash-landing, effectively isolating Madotsuki on Mars.

It could be theorized that these happy events link Madotsuki to the real world, even if she wants to remain dreaming to escape the harsh reality that she lives in.

Themes of Identity

Some factors found within the dream worlds could be seen as representing transgender or other queer identity. Many of the effects relating to appearance, such as the Hair effects, could be seen as representative of appearance or body dysphoria. Many creatures throughout the dream world could also be seen as relating to body dysphoria as well. For example, creatures resembling reproductive organs appear in Madotsuki's dreams, such as the uterus-like Floyag and the phallic KyuuKyuu-kun. Many of the more distorted creatures, such as the White Desert monsters and the Sewer Drawings, have abnormal limbs that give off the appearance of something inside them trying to escape, which may be metaphorical for "coming out" in terms of identity.

While some of the distorted-looking characters may be interpreted as physical/body dysphoria, other aspects of the dream world could possibly be interpreted as identity dysphoria, the concept of lacking an identity, or nonconforming identity. Some characters, such as the Pirori or the Nopperabou Witches (when the Cat effect is used), may represent an idea of "facelessness" or lack of identity depicted literally. Another thing to note is that a male and female restroom appear in different areas in the dream world, both of which Madotsuki can enter.

The ending of the game can also be interpreted as symbolic. Many fans think that Madotsuki's death and the ending of the game overall represent a "reawakening" of sorts. In the context of transgender or sexual identity, this could be interpreted as coming out or revealing such things publicly, reawakening as a completely new person.

Japanese Folklore

Various NPCs and effects are demons, ghosts, and monsters from Japanese folklore. This suggests that Madotsuki may be interested in or feels personally involved with this theme.

NPCs that heavily resemble creatures of Japanese folklore are:

  • The Yuki-onna, who is modeled after the yuki-onna yōkai and bestows Madotsuki the Yuki-Onna effect when interacted with.
  • The FC Demon, who might not look like a regular oni, but the Demon effect they give gives Madotsuki the appearance of one.
  • The Nopperabou Ghost and Nopperabou Witches, who references the legendary faceless noppera-bō creature. The former also gives out the Nopperabou effect.
  • The Ittan-momen, fan-named after the yōkai of the same name. It is a tsukumogami that has been said to be a long cloth that has come to life and flies around, killing people by smothering them. It gives the Towel effect.
  • The Toriningen slightly resemble a tengu or baku, two creatures in Japanese mythology that sport long noses. Baku are also notable for devouring dreams, notably nightmares.
The Cat effect resembles a maneki-neko.

Some other effects also appear to relate to Japanese folklore:

  • The Cat effect, where Madotsuki becomes a humanoid maneki-neko holding a koban coin. As the maneki-neko is supposed to bring in customers with its good luck, it might explain why NPCs are drawn towards Madotsuki when she paws with her right hand.
  • The Triangle Kerchief effect given out by Fleebie. When applying the effect, Madotsuki appears with a hitaikakushi, white triangle-shaped headbands which are often worn by yūrei.

Lucid Dreaming

As Madotsuki can wake herself up at any time in her dream while also having control over her surroundings, she is by definition having lucid dreams. Since she also keeps a dream diary, she remembers at least some things about them, particularly the effects as saving the game could be interpreted as her writing the moments related to effects in her diary in order to remember them and therefore reuse them in the dream world.

Self-induced lucid dreaming is a successful therapy technique for dealing with sleep cycle-affecting mental disorders or illnesses. It is theorized she may have been taught self-induced lucid dreaming to reduce the frequency of nightmares and keeps a dream diary to keep track of her dreams as a self-care exercise.

Separation of Dreams and Reality

At all times during regular gameplay, the dream world and the real world are kept separate, meaning no "unreal" dream elements carry over in the awake moments. During the Witch's Flight event, Madotsuki even falls out of her bed in the real world to indicate that she moved around in her sleep while having a strong dream.

However, during the ending, two Jellyfish appear, while the ending supposedly takes place in the real world. This has raised doubts as to whether the ending is real or just another dream. In fact, some fans believe that Madotsuki is dreaming at every point in the game, citing her perpetually closed eyes, the carrying over of yen after getting pinched awake, and the unrealistic nature of living in an apartment without food or a bathroom as evidence. The blood splatter that appears in the ending also appears several times throughout the dream world, though this is likely either foreshadowing or reusing assets. Others see this theory as a symbol that, even in death, Madotsuki can't escape her nightmares.