Chasers | |
![]() | |
Basic Info | |
Role | To trap Urotsuki in inescapable places, or otherwise wake her up |
Collectibles | Many - See the gallery for a partial list |
Events | Many |
Location |
Many |
Other | |
Size | Usually standard, sometimes larger |
Killable? | Varies |
Chasers are enemies in Yume 2kki that will try to catch Urotsuki. Most of them will send her to closed-off areas, forcing her to return to The Nexus or wake up, much like the Toriningen in Yume Nikki. Note that nearly all the names are noncanonical. This article might not list all the chasers in the game; feel free to expand the list of chasers if needed.
Some of the chasers can be evaded or warded off with effects like Chainsaw, Fairy, Wolf, Insect, Invisible, or Crossing. The Bat effect is exceptionally useful if a chaser traps Urotsuki in the same Map ID where a Bat warp point was first set.
After using the Eyeball Bomb effect to return to The Nexus after being caught by a chaser, other chasers rarely appear in places where they usually aren't found, and will continue to appear and chase Urotsuki until she is caught.
Chasers are referenced in other forms, including statues in the Opal Archives, a tarot card from the Fortune Teller's Tent in Lamp Puddle World, and a poster in the Under-Around. They may also appear in seemingly harmless forms in areas like Chaser Academy.
Common Chasers
Clowns are another main form of chaser in Yume 2kki, and work much the same as the Shadow Ladies. There are many throughout the dream world, some of them sane and some insane. The laugh they let out when they catch you sounds exactly like Smile-san's laugh. Most of them do not react to the Invisible effect, making them hard to avoid in some cases, however the one who spawns in Marijuana Goddess World will stop chasing you if you use that effect.
One sane Clown can be found in one of the rooms of the gray building in Guts World. If you chainsaw it, it will steal your money, and if you don't have any money it will chase you and trap you in an enclosed area like any other Clown. A neutral one can be found in the mirror of Clementine's room in Illuminated Building, where you can transform into it by stepping into the mirror.
Colorless, headless Clowns are found in Colorless Carnival, wandering the area or even sitting. They bring Urotsuki to an isolated platform in Museum of Curiosities when caught or interacted with, and the Spring effect can be used to escape it.
Robot Guard
The Robot Guard is a black statuesque creature with red legs and black shoulder pads. It used to guard the Fairy effect in Pokémon World in previous versions.
Some of them can be found around the dream world: one in the lobby of the Black Building (still somewhat guarding the Fairy effect), one in The Baddies Bar, one in the Onyx Tile World, four in Robotic Institution and one in the cargo hold of the Spaceship. Multiple roam the Haniwa Ruins. Light variants can be found in Pale Plateau, and yellow-eyed variants can be seen in Pitch Black Plateau.
Shadow ???
The Shadow ??? is a strange black creature with long grey arms and googly red eyes. It chases after you quite slowly, and is easily outrun by Urotsuki, but can be hard to avoid in small spaces.
One can be found as part of an event in the Highway's restrooms, Onyx Tile World, Tricolor Passage, Lamp Passage, The Baddies Bar, Clawtree Forest, and another can be found in the Intestines Maze. Blue-eyed variants can be seen in Collision World, and yellow-eyed variants can be seen in Pitch Black Plateau. Light variants can be seen in Pale Plateau. Multiple Shadow ???s form the Glasses Maze in Underground Burial Site.
It somewhat resembles the "Hell Valley Sky Trees" from Super Mario Galaxy 2.
Shadow Bird
The Shadow Bird is a large black bird creature with empty red eyes, about as tall as Urotsuki. It chases after Urotsuki at a fairly average speed and will usually trap her if it catches her. It appears to be based on the Mothman.
- One can be found at the storage complex at the east end of the Highway's northeast road, Onyx Tile World, and The Baddies Bar respectively.
- A harmless one can be found in the Halloween Forest, walking around in a fenced area. More harmless ones can be found in Rice Field, Hat World, Sushi Belt World, and the rooftop of Grape Mall.
- Light variants can be found in Pale Plateau, and yellow-eyed variants can be seen in Crow's Nest and Pitch Black Plateau.
- Getting caught by the ones in Crow Forest will send Urotsuki to their lair, which can be escaped through a path to the south. In the Crow's Lair subarea, making contact with the speedy Shadow Birds will take Urotsuki to an isolated section that can be escaped through the east side.
- Gargoyle variations guard the entrance of Shadow Lady Estate, potentially rejecting noisy guests.
- Approaching The Eyed Warning Sign in Foggy Remnants will begin a chase with four Shadow Birds. Making contact with Shadow Birds in this area will trap Urotsuki next to a big slice of cheese in the Nefarious Chessboard.
Shadow Gloop
The Shadow Gloop is a large black blob monster with wiry arms and big red eyes. It chases after you extremely slowly, and is easily outrun by Urotsuki. It has a slight resemblance to Swalot from Pokémon. Shadow Gloops are sometimes called Black Slimes.
One can be found in Purple World, The Baddies Bar, Onyx Tile World, and another can be found in the Intestines Maze. Light variants can be found in Pale Plateau, and yellow-eyed variants can be seen in Pitch Black Plateau. In the Ice Cream Dungeon of Ice Cream Islands, one can summon Shadow Gloops formed of ice cream. A sometimes-imprisoned one can be found in Subterranean Research Center.
Shadow Lady
Shadow Ladies are the main chasers in Yume 2kki and are equivalent to the Toriningen from Yume Nikki. They also bear a high resemblance to the Gray Man from the game LSD: Dream Emulator. They are found in many places in the dream world and will usually trap Urotsuki in a small area or maze she can not get out of. Shadow Ladies are sometimes referred to as Black Witches or Shadow Women, like in the Shadow Woman Forest.
- Special "flat" Shadow Ladies also appear in certain events, which are shaded slightly purple and flat like a cardboard cutout when moving left or right.
- Numerous sane Shadow Ladies appear in the Shadow Lady Estate. They will look towards Urotsuki if effects are used or if sat next to on seats.
- Shadow Ladies appear in many of delta_judgment's areas, along with their Light and yellow-eyed variants.
- A Christmas-themed Shadow Lady is located in Snowman World, occasionally trapping Urotsuki in Tricolor Passage.
- One also appears as a silhouette in the Monochrome Street, sending Urotsuki to the main area of the Red Brick Maze when provoked.
- Getting caught by one of the Shadow Ladies in Day and Night Towers will bring Urotsuki to an escapable section of the Red Brick Maze, where the wall to the right can be chainsawed to create an exit.
- A Shadow Lady in the Dark Warehouse is able to send Urotsuki to an isolated section that can be escaped with the Haniwa effect or a Shadow Lady mask.
- Urotsuki is able to sit on a giant Shadow Lady's lap in Toy World after activating the Shadow Ladies in the main area.
- Neutral Shadow Ladies are visible enjoying tea together while listening to a tune from a phonograph in Twilight Park.
Author Chasers
These common chasers are unique in that they usually appear in locations by the same author.
Scary Face
Scary Faces are floating faces with crazy eyes and sharp teeth. They can be found in worlds by Bokun, including Blood World, The Baddies Bar and the Stone Maze. If one catches you, you will be sent to an enclosed part of the Stone Maze shaped like a cross or a table surrounded by nails in Blood World.
In the Stone Maze, using the Insect effect will let Urotsuki pass straight through them unharmed.
Shadow Gentleman
Found in some of Bean's areas. Attacking the one in the Dice Hotel in Realm of Dice and getting caught will send Urotsuki to an isolated section of the Nefarious Chessboard. A neutral one can be found on the rooftop in Blood Red Beach. Urotsuki can become one of two variants in Foggy Remnants.
Shadow Mold
Found in aediorugap's areas. Shadow Molds appear in Forest Cavern, Funeral Prison, Toxic Chemical World, Toxicology Research Facility, Moth Gallery, Junk From Anywhere, Sea Slug House, and Arcadia. They can be warded off by equipping the Fairy effect, but will not be affected by the Sprite mask. They could be related to the yellow slime mold-like NPCs in the Sunset School.
Shadow Ninetails
Found in spelude's areas, this chaser is a dark silhouette of Ninetails. One way to encounter them is to chainsaw Ninetails in Red Lily Lake, then re-enter the area and repeat this action seven times, after which they will teleport Urotsuki to the Red Sky Cliff. They can also be encountered in the Fox Temple, where completing a set of conditions will unlock their transformation.
They also appear in Red Lily Lake after killing certain NPCs located across spelude's areas, like the candle creature in Neon Candle World, the bees in Honeycomb World, or even the Tree of Life in Blood Cell Sea.
On rare occasions, Ninetails will be absent from Red Lily Lake, and Shadow Ninetails will be present in the red tinted state, slowly chasing after Urotsuki and sending her to Splash Streetway and back. If this happens, they can be repeatedly encountered by re-activating the red tinted state.
Shadow Slime
Found in many of Yumebako's areas, these blue-and-black blobs somewhat resemble slugs. Getting caught by these (usually) fast creatures will instantly wake Urotsuki up. A unique one can be found in Graveyard of Repentance, which will activate (and then deactivate) "easy mode" and remove or slow most chasers in Yumebako's worlds when interacted with. They seem to be related to the slimes found in Slime Village and the Sea of Trees' Slime Room, and Urotsuki will be able to transform into one after completing a puzzle in Slime Village.
Specific Chasers
These are chasers that are specific to certain locations in the dream world, usually only one or two areas.
Adult Blood Strider
Found in the Hellish Bloody Maze of Bleeding Mushroom Garden. Getting caught will trap Urotsuki in an isolated section of the same area.
Atelier Woman
Found in the Graffiti Corridor in Execution Ground. Attacking her in Atelier and then going through Execution Ground and this Graffiti Corridor will make her chase Urotsuki, causing static to flash on screen when caught.
Blob Dog
Found in The Tower of City of Revival. Being captured will take Urotsuki to an isolated cage with a fast blob that places her back in front of The Tower's door when interacted with.
Blue Orb
Found in Blue Sanctuary. Provoking them and getting caught will place Urotsuki in an isolated section of the same area. Neutral ones can be seen in multiple of Takikomi's areas, like Expanded Corridors.
Bōringu Otoko
Found in the Bowling Zone. Entering "The Lanes" section from the Stone Maze, these bowling ball people will appear and run at Urotsuki in set patterns. They send her to the Bowling Zone portal in the Stone Maze on contact. They cannot be avoided with the Crossing effect. Within the "Bowling Pin World" section, they harmlessly run in straight lines with the Pingai.
Found in Playing Card Dungeon's Golden Casino. Equipping the Child effect while in the main casino (not the mahjong board) and making contact with the bouncers will send Urotsuki to the casino's entrance in the main area.
Bug Girl
Bug girl is a chaser with green hair who guards the Insect effect at the Scenic Outlook. She is initially friendly but becomes a chaser if you chainsaw her to try getting past her.
After chainsawing the bug girl, if you try to use the Invisible effect to hide from her she will begin to move in an erratic pattern similar to Dogboa, making it harder to get past her.
She can also be found in The Baddies Bar.
Candlelit Creature
Found in Candlelit Factory. Lighting the candles and equipping the Lantern effect will slow them down. Getting caught will send Urotsuki to an escapable room in the same area. Neutral ones can be seen in multiple of Takikomi's areas, like Flamelit Wasteland.
Cat Person
Found in one of the interiors of Pleasure Street. The shop they normally attend will be replaced by a house after experiencing The Toxic Corruption event in Nerium Lab. Trying to kill the other person washing the dishes in the house will make the chaser form of them appear with a gun. Their face will distort and the screen will darken, after which Urotsuki is transported to a large isolated grave.
Chess Queen
Found in the Nefarious Chessboard. If the area is inverted, the Chess Queen will transform into a chaser. Getting caught will send Urotsuki back to the Pillar Ark entrance.
Corrupt Data
Found in Glitch Hell. Getting caught for the first time will grant Menu Theme #52. Urotsuki will then be sent to the Video Game Graveyard, where she will be forced to jump into Underground Burial Site. A stationary one can be found in Parking Zone, and touching it will send Urotsuki to the Glitched Purgatory, where more variants can be found. If Variable #44 is currently between 192 and 214, one will appear in Himalayan Salt Shoal and transport her to the Glitched Purgatory on contact. Urotsuki can become one in Check-Disk Nexus.
Corrupt Spiral
These speedy spirals pursue Urotsuki in the Corrupted variant of Spiral Sign Abyss, teleporting her around the area on contact.
Corrupt Stick Figure
These stick figures appear in the Corrupted version of Candle Block World. The figures alternate between moving away and quickly chasing Urotsuki, randomly warping her throughout the area when caught.
Corrupted 01-kun
A chaser version of the 01-kun that can be found at Corrupted Love World. They appear normal at first, but chainsawing them can send you to one of three isolated areas in Opal Sea, Heart Tiles Path, or the Despair's Prison of the same world.
Found in Dream Precinct. Provoking them and getting caught will place Urotsuki in an isolated section of the same world.
Dungeon Hazards
Found in the Dungeon of Dream Tropics. Multiple different hazards are seen in the Dungeon: skull blocks with spikes that have set movements, blobs that slowly wander, spikes that periodically rise from the ground, masks of faces that activate when the yellow key on Floor 4 is retrieved, and the rotating spike traps used by the Dungeon's boss. Upon capture, the hazards lead back to the Dungeon's entrance.
Emanation of Malice
Found in Despair's Prison in Corrupted Love World. Getting caught will shake the screen and wake Urotsuki up.
Eyed Octagon
Found in the Roadside Forest's Mannequin Sub-Area. Getting caught will place Urotsuki back at the entrance to the Roadside Forest in Domino Constructions.
Faceless Urotsuki
Found in a room in Fake Apartments after visiting Legacy Nexus. It resembles Urotsuki though lacking eyes and any shine on her shoes or hair. It matches the players speed and only moves when looking away from it. If caught you are woken up.
Found in Birch Forest's chaser gallery and Thumbtack World. Getting caught will transport Urotsuki to the Zalgo event in the Magnet Room. A neutral one can be seen in Rice Field. They cannot be avoided with the Invisible or Crossing effect.
Hatted Shimako
Found in Wooded Lakeside B's Gnarled Tree Plaza. She will harmlessly attempt to give Urotsuki her hat and take the one Urotsuki is currently wearing, if any. Urotsuki can do the same back to her while she attempts to escape. If an effect is equipped while Urotsuki is wearing the hat, she will disappear.
Found in the Horror Maze. Getting caught will send the player to an isolated dining room in the same world. Beating the Horror Maze once will unlock reactions to the Bunny Ears, Invisible, Crossing, Glasses, and Chainsaw effects.
Katana Man
Found in Shunned Street. He will enact vengeance in one of a few ways when attacked, ultimately waking Urotsuki up. Some of the methods involve negative versions of himself.
Line Slime
Found in Pale Brick Basement, where it moves in a set pattern and sends Urotsuki back to the room's entrance on contact.
Matryoshka Doll
Found in Acerola World. They may jump out and chase Urotsuki when a matryoshka doll is opened, trapping her in an isolated section of the same area when caught.
Melting Snowman
Found in Private Rooms if the snowman was first melted with the Lantern effect in Snow White Field. The partially melted snowman is able to catch and trap Urotsuki in an isolated section of Snow White Field.
Monochrome Schoolgirl
Located in the Monochromatic Fields of the Monochrome Mansion, she will wander about, in an attempt to follow the player. She will become hostile when attacked with the Chainsaw. When the player is caught, they will be sent to an isolated area of the fields with the hiragana letter "あ" covering the floor, while the schoolgirl looks on from the outside. She can also be found in the Monochrome School passively wandering around and reacts to the Chainsaw effect.
Monocular Cat
Found in the room with the priestess in Vermilion Bamboo Forest. Equipping certain effects, like Wolf, will anger the priestess and make cycloptic cats chase Urotsuki and place her outside of the room when captured.
Mouth Girl
Found in the Underground TV Complex. Normally she wears a surgical mask over her face and doesn't pay any attention to you, but if you chainsaw her you'll hear a faint scream, she'll face away from you and her sprite will temporarily turn black. Her entire face then turns into a giant mouth with a long tongue and she'll begin to chase you around the room. The doorways in the room also become blocked, so you'll be trapped in the room with her until she catches you. Once caught, you'll be transported to an area that looks exactly like the same room you were in, except all the doors on all the rooms will be missing. The Mouth Girl will also be in the room with you (still in her insane form), but she no longer chases you or reacts to any effects.
She appears to be based on the Kuchisake-onna from Japanese folklore.
Found on Floor 4 of Experimentation Building. The creatures will break out of their containers if Urotsuki spends too much time in this area. The creatures will then attempt to trap her on top of the vending machine in the same section.
Obstacle Demon
Found in Obstacle Course and Obstacle Course 2. They lead back to the previous room after a successful capture.
Pink Rabbit
Found in Blue Sanctuary. Provoking them and getting caught will place Urotsuki in an isolated section of the same area. Neutral ones can be seen in multiple of Takikomi's areas, like Fish Person Shoal.
Pirate Ship
Found in the waters of Dream Tropics. The ships guarding the Dungeon are faster than the others, but all lead to an escapable island upon capture.
Found in the Laboratory in both the facility as well as the caves below it. The Scientists in the facility are passive by default, but will become hostile once the Director NPC is killed. Getting caught by the Scientists in the facility will lead to the Hallucination event. The Scientists in the underground caves are always hostile and will teleport Urotsuki to an isolated catwalk upon which she is observed by them. Unlike most other chasers, the Scientists in the caves react to the Chainsaw effect by running away from Urotsuki and can actually be killed if chainsawed.
Scribble Alien
Found in Chaotic Scribble World. There are three color variants, only one of which can be actively chasing Urotsuki at a time. The active variant switches periodically based on the music. Being caught sends Urotsuki to the start of the same area.
Secret Being
Found within the void room on Floor 5 of the Secret Society. Finding this black blob and torching it with the Lantern effect will make a red face pop up on the screen, after which the screen will shake and Urotsuki will be trapped on top of a cube in Knife World.
Shadow Biker Urotsuki
Found in the upper right section of the Highway. When traveling right to left, the Shadow Biker Urotsuki is able to appear and crash into Urotsuki, dropping her off in front of Shibomu. Sometimes, the Shadow Biker Urotsuki will harmlessly phase through Urotsuki when traveling left to right.
Shadow Doll
Found in Brutal Sewing Landscape and Thumbtack World. Getting caught will send Urotsuki to an isolated section of Brutal Sewing Landscape. Alternatively, if the Invisible effect's action is used before being caught, Urotsuki will be sent to an isolated section of Colorless Rose Garden. The Crossing effect will not stop them.
Shadow Eyeball
Found in Abyssal Garden and Thumbtack World. Getting caught will bring Urotsuki to an isolated section of Colorless Rose Garden. The Crossing effect will not stop them.
Shadow Figures
Found in Fairy Tale Woods. This group of shadowy chasers will pursue Urotsuki after untying a rope and making a person in a well drop. They will wake her up when caught.
Shadow Haniwa
Found in Haniwa Hollow, a hidden section of Graveyard of Repentance, and Thumbtack World. Getting caught will instantly wake Urotsuki up.
Shadow Salt
Found by sleeping in a bed in Himalayan Salt Shoal. Its large legs enable it to quickly chase after Urotsuki and transport her back to the respective bedroom. Entering the pyramid's bedroom, going to sleep with the Rock Salt mask, and getting caught by the Shadow Salt will unlock the Shadow Salt mask in the Dream Wardrobe.
Shadow Snake
Found in Pointing Labyrinth, Serpent Ruins A, and Pitch Black Plateau. Looks similar to the snakes found in other areas by delta_judgment, but with the color scheme of other shadow chasers. Moves at the same speed as Urotsuki, and does not react to the Invisible effect. If caught in Pointing Labyrinth or Serpent Ruins A, Urotsuki will be sent to an isolated section of Pointing Labyrinth. Being caught in Pitch Black Plateau will bring Urotsuki to the Crow's Nest, where an egg to the north leads back to the main area of that world.
Shadow Stampeder
Found in Collision World. Colliding with one of them will instantly wake Urotsuki up. The Crossing effect will not stop them.
Shadow X
Found in Blue Apartments, this chaser resembles the letter X with long red eye stalks. It can move diagonally to get towards you making it a large threat. Getting caught by them traps you in an outside area of the same map.
Found as part of the High Priestess event, these chasers are unique in that Urotsuki can come into contact with them several times before being teleported away. They do not react to the Invisible effect, making them hard to avoid.
Found in Spear Hell Maze after chainsawing a restrained NPC. The spears will then force Urotsuki to wake up.
Static Remembrance
Found in Eye Cluster Labyrinth, where they saunter about and attempt to trap Urotsuki in Art Exposition. The Crossing and Invisible effects have no effect on them.
Found in only the School and functions similar to a chaser. Using the Glasses effect near him reveals that he's actually a ghost. Although normally he won't harm you, using the Bike effect in the School causes him to become insane and chase you, and if you get caught you'll be transported to a staff room where you'll be in what appears to be "detention" while he scolds you. Trying to walk away causes the Teacher to jump up and force you back to your place, so your only means of escape are waking up or using the Eyeball Bomb effect. Chainsawing him causes him to turn into a ghost and follow you, although he is very slow. Getting caught causes you to wake up.
The Open Eye
Found in Reef Maze, Hall of Memories, Found Forest, and Violet Galaxy. It is also found in Lost Forest and Haunted Laboratory. It is briefly seen before the chase sequence in Reef Maze, after which its true fleshy form chases Urotsuki. During the second Hall of Memories chase sequence, it seemingly splits into three versions. Getting caught in Reef Maze, Hall of Memories, or Found Forest will place Urotsuki back at the start of the respective chase sequence. Interacting with it in Violet Galaxy will display a glitched effect textbox and teleport Urotsuki outside of its zone and restrict her from reentering until the world is exited.
Toll Collector
Found in Snow White Field: Puppet's Theatre. He has an increasing chance to take revenge when attacked, waking Urotsuki up. Killing him is necessary to satisfy part of the conditions for the Shape World shortcut in Snow White Field: The Tunnel.
Toy Urotsuki
Found in Thrift Shop. Getting caught by them will place Urotsuki on an isolated shelf in the same area or near the photo booth if you took a picture beforehand. A box near the photo booth contains a Toy Urotsuki, and interacting with it will transform Urotsuki into one.
TV Creature
Found in TVLand. Trying to attack a certain one will send Urotsuki to an isolated section of the Nefarious Chessboard. A neutral one can be seen in Dice Swamp.
If you escape the room, you'll actually end up walking out of the last classroom in the School, the most unkempt classroom of all. Getting caught by the Teacher again while riding your Bike sends you back to detention, but this time he'll already be a ghost and start to chase you (and oddly, he's even more transparent this time).
Vengeful Spirit
The Vengeful Spirit is a chaser that wanders the Shinto Shrine, wearing a torn green cloak and a white triangular mask, both dripping with blood. It can be found in the center of the largest room in the Shinto Shrine, near the cherry blossom painting. They only spawn if the player survives the Clowns at the Circus event and escapes back to the Shrine.
It appears under many different circumstances, but the simplest way to make it appear is to equip the Wolf + Bike combo effect and then check the PC in your Dream Room at the start of a new dream.
WiFi Icon
Chasers that appear in the Electromagnetic Terminal. Getting caught by them will take you to the entrance from Silver Mansion.
Wireframe Robot
Robot-like chasers that appear in the Shadowy Caves. They take you to an isolated section of said area. Their appearance highly resembles the common Shadow Chasers and the Robot Guard.
Wireframe Robots types: Shadow ???, Shadow Bird, Shadow Gloop, Robot Guard, and Shadow Lady.
Found in Witch Heaven. Attacking the Witch will make her chase Urotsuki, sending her to an inescapable area of the Glitched Purgatory if caught. By stepping on a certain static tile in Witch Heaven, many Witches will appear and chase after Urotsuki, and getting caught will only teleport Urotsuki to the main Witch's area. A white Witch can be found in Glitch Hell, who has unique text sounds upon interaction.
White Eye
The White Eyes are found in Geometry World's Eye Chaser Area. They simply send you back to the area's entrance and giggle, taunting the player.
Yellow Pursuer
Found in Pulsating Yellow Passage. Getting caught will send Urotsuki to an isolated section of Lemonade Edifice.
Removed Chasers
Evil Bugs
Evil Bugs used to appear in the Red Bug Maze event. They blocked you from certain exits and functioned in the same way regular chasers do.